Samsung will hold a face-to-face event for the first time in three years on February 2, 2023, announcing the next flagship model 'Galaxy S23'

Samsung announced that it will hold a new product launch event `` Galaxy Unpacked '' at 10:00 am on February 1, 2023 Pacific Standard Time (3:00 am on the 2nd of Japan time).
[Invitation] Galaxy Unpacked 2023: Share the Epic – Samsung Global Newsroom
Samsung will host Galaxy Unpacked on February 1st in San Francisco - The Verge
Samsung Likely To Reveal Galaxy S23 At Unpacked On February 1, Preorder Deals Start Now | HotHardware
On January 11, 2023, Samsung announced that Galaxy Unpacked will be held in San Francisco for the first time in three years.
'A special night begins'
—Galaxy Mobile Japan (@GalaxyMobileJP) January 10, 2023
Don't miss the moment.
February 2, 2023 (Thursday) 3:00 a.m. [Japan time]
▼ Register your email and receive notifications of Live distribution #GalaxyUnpacked #SamsungUnpacked
The highlight of the event is Samsung's next flagship smartphone, the 'Galaxy S23' series. In August 2022, information has leaked that the Galaxy S23 Ultra will be equipped with a 200 million pixel camera.
Samsung's flagship smartphone Galaxy S23 Ultra finally has a 200 million pixel camera - GIGAZINE

According to the news site HotHardware, the Galaxy S23 will also have a lineup of pink and green in addition to the standard black and white coloring. Twitter user SnoopyTech says that the color variations are named 'Botanic Green', 'Misty Lilac', 'Phantom Black' and 'Cotton Flower'.
S23 Series:
— SnoopyTech (@_snoopytech_) January 7, 2023
DM1/S23: 8/128, 8/256
DM2/S23 Plus: 8/256, 8/512
DM3/S23 Ultra: 8/256, 12/512 (probably 12/1TB via Samsung Store)
DM = ????
Colors for all three devices:
Botanic Green
Misty Lilac
Phantom Black
cotton flower
More only via Samsung-Store
In terms of specs, it was reported that the Super AMOLED screens of the S23, S23 Plus, and S23 Ultra all boast a brightness of 1750nits, and that the storage has doubled from the previous 128GB to 256GB.
The event will be streamed live on Samsung's official website and YouTube channel .
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in Hardware, Posted by log1l_ks