Logic puzzle 'Pokle' that hits Texas Hold'em's 'What cards were dealt to the field'

One of the rules of poker is 'Texas Hold'em'. This is a famous rule that combines 2 cards dealt to each player and up to 5 cards dealt to the field to create a role. I played with the logic puzzle ` ` Pokle '' that turns this ``five cards dealt to the field'' upside down and derives what the card was from the player's ranking.
Pokle - A daily poker puzzle
When you access Pokle , the rules are displayed first, so click anywhere on the screen to turn off the display.

The play screen looks something like this. Guess the suit and number of each card on the flop, turn, and river, and click 'Submit' to match the answers. If the guess is correct, the color of the card will be green, and if the suit or number is correct, the color of the card will be yellow. It is a game to guess all 5 suits and numbers in all 6 chances.

You can see how you actually play with the following video.
In the first place, Texas Hold'em does not deal 5 cards at once, but first 3 cards, then 1 card, and finally another 1 card. The first three cards are called 'Flop', the next one is called 'Turn', and the last one is called 'River'.
The gold, silver, and bronze trophies displayed in Pokle show 'who was in what position when each card was dealt'. In other words, in the following case, Liz was 3rd, Riz was 1st, and Siz was 2nd when the first 3 cards (Flop) were dealt. However, when the next one (Turn) was dealt, Liz surpassed Siz, and when the last one (River) was dealt, the rankings changed all at once.

That's why I tried to guess what kind of card it was at the time of the flop. Guess the card in play by clicking on the card frame and clicking on the number and suit. Based on the ranking at the time of the flop, simply think that 'Riz and Siz were one pair, Liz was no pair', and flop so that 'Riz is one pair of A', 'Siz is one pair of 7', and 'Liz is no pair' expected.

Then guess the turn. Liz moved up to 2nd place here, thinking that Liz could have a pair and a stronger number than Siz, so I chose Q.
Then River's speculation. I realized that adjusting the suit would give Liz a flush on the river, so my final guess would be: Now, on the flop, Liz has no pair, Riz has a pair of Aces, Siz has a pair of 7s, Liz has a pair of Qs on the turn, Riz has a pair of Aces, Siz has a pair of 7s, and Liz has a pair on the river. is flush, Riz is one pair of A, and Siz is two pairs of 7 and 5, and the order is consistent. I guessed it, so I clicked Submit.

And the result was something like this. The river's '5 of Spades' had both a suit and a number, but the 'Q of Hearts' on the turn and the '7 of Hearts' on the flop had only a suit or number, and the remaining two No suit or number

Now that I know the results, I guess again. In addition to confirming that a 5 of spades will come on the river, it is also confirmed that there will be no spade cards on the flop, so the hypothesis that ``Liz will have a flush at the time of the river'' is denied. . The final guess is as follows. At the flop, Riz had a flush and was leading the pack, but at the river, Liz and Siz had a full house and the situation was reversed.

The result was correct.

The stats will be displayed, and the time until the next question (Next Pokle) will be displayed and the share button will appear. Pokle is a format in which one question is asked a day, and the question changes at 00:00 Japan time.

When I pressed the share button and pasted the copied text, the text I

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