It turns out that Russia has created a malware application that claims to 'attack Russia' and is collecting user information
Google, which investigated Russia and Ukraine, where cyber offenses and defenses are intensifying, reports that pro-Russian cyber attack groups are developing and distributing malware apps that claim that they can make DoS attacks on Russia. I did. It is speculated that Russia wanted to know the information of the person who tried to use such an app.
Continued cyber activity in Eastern Europe observed by TAG
Russia Released a Ukrainian App for Hacking Russia That Was Actually Malware
According to a Google research team, Turla, a cyber attack group announced to be a group of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, was distributing Android apps in a domain disguised as the Azov Regiment of Ukraine. The app was distributed under the guise of being able to perform a DoS attack on a series of Russian websites, but it only sent a single GET request and did not work well as a DoS attack.
In addition, the application was loaded with malware, Shane Huntley, who is in charge of investigation, said, 'Turla is what the whereabouts of people who may attack Russia and what the infrastructure of the application is. , You can find out with the apps you control. '
Since the app was distributed on an unofficial website instead of Google Play, it is thought that the number of installations was insignificant.
During the investigation, the team also reported that they discovered another app that could actually perform a DoS attack on a Russian website. The research team speculated that this app was developed by a pro-Ukrainian developer and was the basis for the Turla app in question.
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