European Parliament supports proposed regulation to consider natural gas and nuclear energy as 'green energy'

The European Parliament has endorsed a draft regulation of the European Union that considers power generation from natural gas and nuclear power to be a climate-friendly 'green' energy. The draft regulation will be enacted by around 2023.

Natural gas projects are'green' or'sustainable,' EU parliament says --CNN

EU parliament backs labelling gas and nuclear investments as green | Reuters

El gas y la energía nuclear, en camino de ser considerados sostenibles por el Parlamento Europeo

The European Union will reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030, making the total of emissions minus absorption and removal virtually zero 'net zero'. We have made a pledge to achieve this by 2050.

In order to achieve the above goals, the European Union has formulated an EU-specific mechanism, ' EU Taxonomy ,' that determines whether a company's economic activities are sustainable for the global environment and encourages green investment. Companies were required to calculate and disclose the 'ratio of economic activity that conforms to the EU taxonomy', and it was expected that investors would make 'green investments' based on that information.

In February 2022, the European Commission drafted a draft regulation to add natural gas and nuclear power to the above mechanism. The two power generation methods are 'in line with the EU's climate and environmental goals and will help facilitate the transition from a current reliance on fossil fuels, including coal, to a climate-neutral future,' said natural gas and nuclear power. By adding to the EU taxonomy, we sought to encourage investment in both.

However, there was some disagreement among lawmakers and experts about considering natural gas and nuclear power as 'green' energies, and some groups were willing to take legal action.

On July 6, 2022, the European Parliament rejected a motion to reject the proposed regulation with a majority opposition. The vote was attended by 639 members of the European Parliament, 328 against, 278 in favor and 33 abstaining. The resolution is expected to enact legislation in 2023 unless 20 of the 27 member states reject the proposed regulation.

Ingbert Leaving, head of the German Local Public Services Association, welcomed the decision, saying it was 'an important sign of the role of natural gas in achieving climate goals.' Opponent Greta Thunberg, meanwhile, said, 'It will delay the truly needed and sustainable transition and increase Russia's reliance on fuel.'

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