AT & T announces the development of network communication that can be downloaded and uploaded at a detonation velocity of 20 Gbps

AT & T, a major American network company, announced the development of ' 20Gbps network communication for both download and upload '. AT & T states that the spread of high-speed communication can contribute to the improvement of the gaming environment and the development of the VR community.

AT & T First to 20 Gbps Symmetric Speeds in Production Network

AT & T Delivers 20 Gbps Using 25GS-PON on its Production Network

AT & T participates in the industry group ' 25GS-PON MSA Group ' aiming to develop the high-speed communication technology '25GS-PON' of 25Gbps for both download and upload, and communicates at 20Gbps in both directions by utilizing this technology of 25GS-PON. We announced on June 10, 2022 that we have succeeded in developing a network that can be used. According to AT & T, it is the industry's first achievement to achieve a communication speed of 20 Gbps in both directions on a popular network, and 'we have reached this milestone for the first time in the world.'

In recent years, not only large files are downloaded, but also the opportunities for uploading are increasing, so it is important to speed up both download and upload. AT & T claims that it has great benefits for individual users such as gamers who constantly send and receive large amounts of data through high-speed communication of 20 Gbps for both download and upload. Furthermore, even for corporate users, it is possible to share large volumes of movie data and VR images in real time, which has the advantages of 'improving data analysis efficiency,' 'improving worker safety,' and 'activating the Metaverse community.' I am appealing that I can enjoy it.

AT & T started providing high-speed communication by GPON around 2010. After that, it set the goal of 'providing optical communication to 30 million homes and businesses by 2025' and started providing high-speed communication by XGS-PON in 2020. In 2022, we started to provide ultra-high-speed communication of 2 Gbps for homes and 5 Gbps for enterprises. AT & T plans to gradually provide the 20 Gbps detonation velocity communication plan announced this time.

The 20 Gbps communication announced this time uses 25GS-PON, which is a communication technology under development. According to AT & T, 25GS-PON will mature within the next 6-12 months.

AT & T has told Telecompetitor, a technology-related media, that 20Gbps communication will be provided using the optical fiber laid by AT & T. Also, although the price of communication equipment will rise slightly, it will not be much more expensive than conventional communication plans.

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf