Find the ancient Roman 'elaborate penis pendant'

by The Portable Antiquities Scheme
A silver pendant, believed to have been made between 42 and 410 AD, was found in Kent, England. This pendant seems to have been hung from the neck to protect itself from disaster.
Record ID: PUBLIC-E168F3 --ROMAN pendant
Metal detectorist in UK finds ancient Roman penis pendant | Live Science
The pendant found is about 3.1 cm long, 1.2 cm wide, 0.9 cm thick and weighs 9.7 g. At the top is a small loop for the string to pass through.

by The Portable Antiquities Scheme
Pendants with such a shape were often seen in England during the Roman period, but it is generally made of copper alloy instead of silver like the one discovered this time. Archaeologist Lori Rogerson said, 'Since silver is a higher quality metal than copper alloys, it may have been thought to enhance the protection of the pendant. Pendants are believed to have been used especially well for children. '
'This pendant protects against the effects of the evil eye, a symbol of bad luck. Roman men, women, children,' said Cyril Dumas, a researcher at the Yves Breyer Museum who studies these relics. And even animals wore such pendants to get rid of the evil eye. '

by Wally Gobetz
Rob Collins of Newcastle University said, 'Maybe the person who asked for or bought this pendant had enough money to buy high quality metal. Why did he choose silver as the material? There are many, but one is that the wearer can afford it and the pendant can also be an exhibit. Also, silver may have magical properties and relevance as a material. It is possible that there is no such thing. '
Discovered by metal detector Wendy Thompson, this pendant has undergone a treasure procedure as required by English law and may eventually be stored in a British museum.
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