Last payphone removed in New York

Before the spread of mobile phones, public telephones that allow you to insert coins and make calls for several minutes were installed everywhere in the city, but at the time of writing the article, they are rarely seen. In New York City, one of the largest cities in the United States, the last pay phone was removed on May 24, 2022.

End of an era as New York removes last public payphone | New York | The Guardian

With the spread of mobile phones and messaging apps, the demand for payphones is declining, and New York City started efforts to abolish payphones in 2015. A free Wi-Fi spot 'Link NYC' was set up in the place where the public telephone was installed, and the public telephone disappeared from the city.

'Link NYC' is born, which enables high-speed communication and free phone calls of 1 giga for free to the ever-evolving public wireless service --GIGAZINE

And on May 24, 2022, the last pay phone installed in Times Square was removed. Mark Levine, Mayor of Manhattan, commented on the removal of payphones that 'an era has come to an end.'

Levin also said, 'The last payphone in Times Square has been removed. This is the end of an era, but also the beginning of an era of fair access to technology. Link NYC is on technology. It's one of the ways to provide fair access. '

In addition, in the public telephone removal declaration tweet by Mr. Levin, there is a report that a public telephone was found on West End Avenue in New York City.

in Note, Posted by log1o_hf