A cute movie that allows cats to flap their limbs in a zero gravity space

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Cats can land with a flutter even if they jump from a high place. A movie showing what happens when you take such a cat to a weightless space has been released.

Weightless Cats --Do Space Cats Land On Their Feet? --YouTube

The movie shows two cats and a crew member. From the crew's equipment, it can be seen that they are in the middle of a weightlessness experiment using an aircraft .

A crew member who lifts a cat overhead.

At this point there is still gravity, so the cat will land on the floor.

In the latter half of the movie, the cabin will be in a weightless state, and both the cat and the crew will float.

The cat was fluttering his limbs, perhaps trying to stabilize his posture.

This movie was posted on YouTube in 2011 and has been played over 3 million times at the time of writing the article. Also, on the social news site Hacker News, 'Cats may recognize the direction by relying on the flow of air even in weightlessness.' 'It is not a short weightless experience in an airplane experiment, but a space station. If it is a long-term experience, cats may get used to weightlessness. '

Weightless cats – Do space cats land on their feet? (2011) [video] | Hacker News

in Creature,   Video, Posted by log1o_hf