It is clear that many diet and erectile dysfunction supplements contain 'medicinal ingredients that should not be taken'

A survey of health foods, including supplements that provide easy access to the nutrients your body needs, revealed that 1068 health foods sold between 2007 and 2021 contained inappropriate ingredients. rice field. The research team warns that 'similar products may continue to appear in the future.'

Continued Risk of Dietary Supplements Adulterated With Approved and Unapproved Drugs: Assessment of the US Food and Drug Administration's Tainted Supplements Database 2007 Through 2021 --White ---- The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology --Wiley Online Library

The dietary supplement you're taking could be tainted with prescription medications and dangerous hidden ingredients, according to a new study

Michael White and colleagues at the University of Connecticut conducted a survey based on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Health Fraud Product Database and found that they should be included in the 1068 health foods sold between 2007 and 2021. It is said that ingredients of prescription drugs (medical drugs) that are not non-prescription drugs and ingredients that are considered dangerous to the human body have been discovered.

A commonly found ingredient is the pharmaceutical ingredient sibutramine analog, which was once incorporated into diet foods as an appetite suppressant, but studies have shown that it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. It is a substance that has been wiped out of the American market by the FDA. In addition, the ingredients used in erectile dysfunction drugs such as phenolphthalein, which is considered unsafe by the FDA because it increases the risk of cancer, and sildenafil and tadalafil, which are originally approved for use only in prescription drugs, are also commercially available health foods. Was discovered from. In addition, there are many combinations of ingredients that have not been proven to be safe.

According to the survey, 54% of the problematic health foods were effective for sexual dysfunction and 35% were effective for weight loss.

When selling products in the United States, health food manufacturers must notify the FDA of any 'new nutritional ingredients' that they include, but they must be certified by the Proper Manufacturing Code, but they do not contain new nutritional ingredients. If so, the responsibility for product security is left to the manufacturer. White also explains that manufacturers can change ingredients without prior notice to the FDA.

The FDA cannot take action without proving that health foods are unsafe, but with over 29,000 health foods sold in the United States, the FDA guarantees the safety of all products. Is difficult. It is also true that FDA verification is laborious and costly because it detects problems that occur in the manufacturing process rather than components such as heavy metal and mold contamination. The FDA, which is also underfunded, is trying to get the product out of the market, just to warn consumers.

'The problematic product is removed from the market when it is detected by the FDA, but other problematic products may be on the market instead. The product you are considering using is an FDA health scam. Avoid using it if it's in the product database, but just because a product isn't in the database doesn't mean it's safe, and it may simply not be detected by the FDA. '

in Science,   Food, Posted by log1p_kr