A new study denying NASA's claim that the origin of organic matter in Martian meteorites is 'biological'

In 1996, a NASA-led research team pointed out that '

Alan Hills 84001, ' a meteorite from Mars found in the Antarctic continent, contained organic compounds. However, the Carnegie Science Institute has announced a study denying that it is of biological origin.

Organic synthesis associated with serpentinization and carbonation on early Mars

Martian meteorite's organic materials origin not biological, formed by geochemical interactions between water and rock | Carnegie Institution for Science

New study of 1980s Mars meteorite debunks proof of ancient life on planet | Mars | The Guardian

'Allan Hills 84001' is believed to have crystallized from lava 4,091 million years ago, and is one of the oldest meteorites on Mars. It fell to Earth about 13,000 years ago and was discovered in Antarctica in 1984.

In 1996, a NASA-led research team announced that the organic compounds found in Allan Hills 84001 were of life origin. The announcement was made by then-President Bill Clinton with a statement of joy, but was seen by scientists with skepticism.

The team led by Andrew Steele of the Carnegie Institute of Science uses various advanced sample preparation and analysis techniques such as nanoscale imaging, isotope analysis, and spectroscopy to organic molecules in 'Alan Hills 84001'. Investigate the origin of.

As a result, evidence was found that the organic compound is due to the interaction between water and rock. One of the interactions is the 'serpentinization ', in which igneous rocks rich in iron and magnesium interact scientifically with the circulating water to change mineralogically and generate hydrogen in the process. The other is 'carbonization, ' in which carbonate minerals are produced by the interaction of rocks with weakly acidic water that contains a large amount of carbon dioxide.

These mineralogy changes are rarely found in Martian meteorites.

Regarding the research results, Mr. Steele said, 'If these interactions occurred on ancient Mars, it is thought that they also occurred on ancient Earth.' 'This kind of organic synthesis requires brine containing dissolved carbon dioxide to be igneous rock. It's just about penetrating into. ' Steele also said that technological advances have made new discoveries like this possible, and that the hypothesis that claims to be of life is 'a rational interpretation at the time.'

Two of the researchers who participated in this study disputed the results and said they supported the 1996 claim.

This announcement is about the organic matter of 'Allan Hills 84001' and does not deny the possibility that life existed on Mars.

in Science, Posted by logc_nt