'Call for not using a car' is obligatory in car commercials, fines of over 6 million yen for violations

Arrêté du 28 décembre 2021 pris pour l'application de l'article D. 328-3 du code de la route --Légifrance
«Pensez à covoiturer», «prenez les transports en commun»: de nouveaux messages obligatoires sur les publicités automobiles
https://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2021/12/29/pensez-a-covoiturer-prenez-les-transports-en-commun-de-nouveaux-messages-obligatoires-sur-les-publicites- economys_6107611_3234.html
This EU country is making car ads include disclaimer saying to bike or walk
The much-talked-about law was passed in France on December 28, 2021, and since March 2022 in France, carpools have stated that ' short-distance travel is by foot or bicycle (Pour). les trajets courts, privilé giez la marche ou le vélo) '' Consider carpooling (Pensez à covoiturer) '' Try to use public transport (Au quotidien, prenez les transports en commun) ' There will be obligations.
The above obligations occur regardless of the format of the commercial, such as TV, radio, online, and printed matter, and if a commercial that does not contain text is released, the automobile manufacturer will be fined up to 50,000 euros (about 6.55 million yen). And that. Regarding this law, France's Minister of Ecology Transition Barbara Pompiri said, 'Transportation-related decarbonization requires not only switching power to electric motors, but also using public transportation and bicycles as much as possible. ', Encouraging the use of environmentally friendly transportation.
Décarboner les transports ce n'est pas seulement passer au moteur électrique. C'est aussi utiliser, quand c'est possible, les transports en commun ou le vélo.
— Barbara Pompili (@barbarapompili) December 29, 2021
Une évolution en couragée dès mars sur toutes les publicités automobiles. #Se Déplacer Moins Polluer https://t.co/sM9NLejSJb
Electrek, an electric vehicle-related media, cites the fact that tobacco packages are required to include precautionary statements indicating health hazards around the world. Just as there are, it sets out the requirements for automakers to tell the public about clean and efficient alternative transportation. As Minister Pompiri says, simply switching to an electric vehicle is an environmental problem. It doesn't solve. Sure, electric cars are much better than cars powered by internal combustion engines. However, electric cars consume much more energy than walking or cycling, and in traffic congestion in the city. It will block the streets, 'he said, expressing his hope that the legislation enacted in France will promote the use of public transportation.
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in Vehicle, Posted by log1o_hf