There is a 'trial' for criminals on the 'dark web' where cybercriminals make illegal transactions

When a criminal act occurs or a problem occurs between individuals, it is basic to 'solve it in a fair trial'.

Similar problems occur on the dark web , where many illegal transactions such as illegal drugs , child pornography, and the buying and selling of personal information of children occur, but of course, public judiciary agencies are not available. Therefore, the dark web's own 'trial' and 'arbitration' are being conducted to resolve disputes among cyber criminals, and the platform 'Analyst 1' that detects, collects, analyzes, and manages cyber attacks reveals.

Dark Web --Justice League --Analyst1

The dark web trial, like the general judicial system, starts with a dispute between two conflicting parties. For example, suppose an attacker planning a cyberattack purchases network access and finds that the same access was previously purchased by someone else. Of course, an attacker who purchases network access will ask for a refund, but there are cases where the seller does not give a refund. At such times, a virtual trial of the dark web will be held. Cyber attacks are often based in Russia, but it seems that 'dark web trials' and 'dark web arbitrations' also exist in cultures other than Russia.

Specifically, the plaintiff first opens a thread in a dedicated sub-forum titled 'Trial' and 'Arbitration' to publish the following details.

・ My claim
Defendant's nickname (including link to profile)
・ Defendant's contact information (Telegram, email address, etc.)

In addition to the information below, fraud requires you to provide evidence such as chat logs, screenshots and cryptocurrency transactions.

An 'arbitrator' was assigned to the case, and the arbitrator began cross-examination. Defendants will have the opportunity to

counterclaim. Eventually, a verdict will be made, and if the defendant is innocent or has insufficient evidence, it will end. However, when the arbitrator finds the defendant guilty, the convicted cybercriminal must comply with what was done within the period. Failure to comply with the verdict will prohibit future activities in underground forums.

Since the forum was first created in Russian, 600 trial threads have been created so far, Analyst 1 said. Also, the cybercrime community does not judge the superiority or inferiority of the case based on the amount of money exchanged in the case, and treats everything equally. Also, to ensure transparency, all members of the forum have the right to participate in and comment on the hearing process, but there is no jury system.

The median amount of compensation ranges from hundreds to thousands of dollars (tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yen), but in April 2021, prominent cybercriminals related to ransomware 'Conti' were $ 2 million (tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yen). I was sued for about 230 million yen). After a month and a half trial, the plaintiff's allegations were dismissed. As of May 2021, ransomware-related topics have been banned, and Analyst 1 said, 'This ban is interesting as large-scale ransomware attacks on oil transportation pipelines and meat traders JBS heat up. That's it. '

Also, in some cases, there is personal retaliation in which a deceived criminal reveals the identity of the other party. In fact, Analyst1 is getting screenshots of the criminal's address / social media account, phone number, relatives information, etc. being released.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log