Scientists have created a questionnaire 'CAT-Tri +' that can diagnose whether a domestic cat is a psychopath, and the actual question is like this

A research team including Rebecca Evans, a psychologist at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, has created a questionnaire 'CAT-Tri + ' that can diagnose the degree of psychopaths in domestic cats. The questions are divided into multiple items such as 'boldness', 'nastyness', and 'unfriendlyness to humans', and while calculating the score for each item, it is possible to finally measure the temperament of the domestic cat from the overall score. It has become like.

A domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) model of triarchic psychopathy factors: Development and initial validation of the CAT-Tri + questionnaire --ScienceDirect

Scientists Developed a Questionnaire to Identify Whether Your Cat Is a Psychopath

The research team is creating 'CAT-Tri +' with the aim of improving the relationship between cats and their owners. 'The difference in personality between humans and cats prompted us to start this research,' said Evans. 'Personally, the owner's perception that cats are psychopaths has led to how they relate to cats. I'm also interested in whether it will change to. '

CAT-Tri + requires 'how adventurous cats are when exploring?' 'How do they react to danger?' 'How do they react to other cats?' 'Continuous stimulation is needed. Forty-six questions about domestic cats, such as 'whether or not to do it?' And 'how much do you comply with the rules in the house?' Are lined up and can be downloaded from the following.

OSF | The Cat Triarchic + questionnaire (CAT-Tri +) .docx

The contents of the question are as follows.

1: Want to explore dangerous places (rival cat premises, very high places, etc.)
2: Want to explore a new place
3: Don't know the danger (eg jumping out on the road, making dangerous jumps, etc.)
4: Climb to a high place
5: Sit on a high place (eg on the sofa, on the stairs)
6: Chasing other cats out of the house or yard
7: I like to explore the outdoors
8: I go far away from my house
9: Hunt small creatures (eg mice, birds, etc.)
10: Suffering rather than killing prey immediately
11: Dominate the cats in your neighborhood (chasing, fighting, etc.)
12: Aggressive to cats in the neighborhood (eg attacking, hitting, growling, playing wildly, etc.)
13: Always seeking stimulation
14: Cry loudly for no reason
15: Very easy to get excited
16: Want to be noticed (such as hitting a person with the forefoot to play)
17: Walk or sit on what the owner is trying to use (eg laptop, book, etc.)
18: Want to get closer (eg, follow from room to room)
19: If left alone, it will constantly meow, chasing after people and meowing.
20: Run around the house for no reason
21: Familiar with people (eg, move closer to people from a cozy place)
22: Annoying people when they want something (eg food, going in and out of a room, meowing or tapping to get attention)
23: Easily distracted (eg, staring at or squeaking something that is nothing)
24: Curious (eg looking through a window, checking who came when the doorbell rings, etc.)
25: Do not learn from experience (continue dangerous and harmful behavior)
26: Do not follow house rules (eg walking on a desk or table, climbing a curtain, running away when called)
27: Even if I receive punishment, I will not move (I will repeat the scolded behavior)
28: Break things (eg scratch furniture, push things away, etc.)
29: Eat food and drinks of people and other pets
30: Jumping out of the shade (eg behind a door, corner, desk, etc.)
31: Get in the way when a person or pet is resting (eg jumping to wake up a person or pet)
32: Become aggressive in playing with people (biting, scratching, etc.)
33: I don't feel guilty even if I do something wrong
34: Trying to control a shared space with other residents (people, pets) (eg trying to get others out of a room or furniture)
35: Trying to control another domestic cat (eg chasing, fighting, etc.)
36: Aggressive against other domestic cats (eg attacking, hitting, growling, playing wildly)
37: Drive other domestic cats out of your liking (eg beds, sofas, toilets, etc.)
38: Dominates other non-cat pets (eg chasing, fighting, etc.)
39: Drive other non-cat pets out of your liking (eg beds, sofas, etc.)
40: Aggressive against other non-cat pets (eg attacking, hitting, growling, playing wildly)
41: Dominates the owner (eg chasing, attacking)
42: I hate being stroked (eg backwards, bites, scratches)
43: Aggressive to children / worried that they may harm children (eg biting, scratching)
44: Aggressive to people who meet for the first time
45: Suddenly in a bad mood (eg, it squeals when stroked, but suddenly bites, etc.)
46: Cry when attacking people or animals

The questions are '1: I don't express my cat' '2: I express my cat a little' '3: I express my cat moderately' '4: I express my cat moderately' Answer on a 5-point scale of 'well expressed' and '5: very well expressed my cat'. If the question does not apply at all, you can exclude the question from the score calculation.

The calculation method of each score is as follows. The higher the score, the higher the temperament, and a cat with a high overall score (psycho-pass score) indicates that it is a cat with a high level of daily activity and abundant variety.

Boldness: Sum the scores for questions 1-12 and divide by the number of questions (12 if there is no 'not applicable')
Disinhibition: Sum the scores for questions 13-24 and divide by the number of questions
Nasty: Sum the scores from 5 to 33 of the questions and divide by the number of questions
Disgust for pets: Sum the scores for questions 34-40 and divide by the number of questions
Unfriendly to humans: Sum the scores for questions 41-46 and divide by the number of questions
Overall Score: Sum the scores for all questions and divide by the number of questions

In the case of humans, psychopaths are often characterized by a lack of empathy and a tendency to manipulate others, while in the case of cats, 'cats once competed for various things such as food, territory, and mating opportunities, so all cats. May have a psychopathic element, ' says Embass. The research team also explains that the ultimate goal of CAT-Tri + is 'to help owners understand cats better.'

in Science,   Creature, Posted by logu_ii