A project to revive mammoths succeeded in raising more than 1.6 billion yen in the next 6 years


Tim Ereneta | Flickr

A startup 'Colossal ' has been launched to create a 'hybrid of elephants and mammoths' by inserting mammoth DNA sequences collected from well-preserved fossils into the genome of Asian elephants. It is believed that global warming can be slowed down by breeding this hybrid organism, which is covered with hair like a mammoth, and releasing it into the Arctic Circle.

Geneticist George Church gets funding for lab-grown woolly mammoths

Bioscience firm claims will bring back extinct woolly mammoth

Professor George Church of Harvard University is studying the resurrection of mammoths. GIGAZINE also published an article about Professor Church's research in 2017.

Researchers predict that mammoths will be successfully revived within the next two years-GIGAZINE

by FireHawk Hulin

The mammoth revival hasn't happened yet, but on September 13, 2021, Professor Church announced the launch of a startup called Colossal with entrepreneur and former CEO of AI company Hypergiant Ben Lam. Colossal aims to genetically engineer Asian elephants to withstand Arctic temperatures to create new types of animals that resemble mammoths.

Reviving mammoths and releasing them into the Arctic can delay the melting of permafrost in which methane is trapped, slowing down global warming, Church and colleagues explain. The Mammoth Revival project has raised $ 100,000 in the last 15 years, but with the launch of the for-profit company Colossal, $ 15 million from Mr. Lam and investors. It has succeeded in obtaining an investment of 1.65 billion yen).

Professor Church and Mr. Lam met two years ago when Mr. Lam visited Professor Church's laboratory. Professor Church, who studies genetics, has obtained more than 100 patents and has a history of launching more than 20 companies, but the mammoth project is less funded than other projects. It seems to be. In the actual conversation with Mr. Church, Mr. Lam decided to get involved in the project and realized a huge amount of funding.

The person on the left is Mr. Lam, and the person on the right is Professor Church.

Richard Garriott, one of the investors, said, 'I'm surprised that extinct creatures will be resurrected, but'reviving extinct creatures' is just the beginning of this technology. Similar technology is humankind. 'We believe that synthetic biology will solve many of our problems.' 'Synthetic biology can create new organisms that can address large-scale problems, from oil and plastic purification to carbon separation, and tissue rejection. Solving the problems of reaction and artificial uterus also helps to prolong the life of everyone. '

Galiot's comment on the artificial womb comes from his plan to 'grow genetically modified elephants in the artificial womb.' Colossal plans to grow genetically modified elephants using something like the artificial womb 'Biobag' announced in 2017.

Succeeded in raising a sheep foetation with an artificial womb 'Biobag' --GIGAZINE

Professor Church plans to produce genetically engineered mammoths in the next six years. Professor Church admits that the 6-year timeline is aggressive, but when I get the same question from people, I can only answer, 'I don't know, I don't have any investment.' But now that's not the case. The number six years is not impossible, 'says Professor Church.

in Science,   Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log