A petition to 'Yu-Gi-Oh!

by Jeriaska

A petition has appeared to request that the ' Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game ' based on the manga 'Yu-Gi-Oh! ' Serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1996 to 2004 be the official event of the Olympic Games. ..

Fan Petition Calls for Yu-Gi-Oh! To Become an Official Olympic Sport

Xiran Jay Zhao of Canada's YouTuber is petitioning for 'Yu-Gi-Oh! The official event of the Olympics.' He told the International Olympic Committee (IOC) the 'dexterity' needed to draw cards, the 'motor nerves' needed to handle cards, and the world championship Yu-Gi-Oh! CHAMPIONSHIP. The 'endurance' required to challenge the 10th round of SERIES is a sport, and we are appealing for an official event.

This petition is made on the online signature collection service Change.org .

Campaign · Make Yugioh an Olympic sport · Change.org

Proponents of this petition said, 'Games that require a huge amount of strategy, quick thinking, and other brains should be as respected as those that require extreme endurance and athletic performance. I think ',' I am also the soul of the card are those who believe in ',' Why such as still'm not the official events? ' comment has been asked is.

Yu-Gi-Oh is a content originating in Japan, but it is also very popular overseas, and it is said that 'the only blue-eyed ultimate dragon in the world is sold for 45 million yen.' The news has also received a lot of attention overseas.

'The only one super rare Yu-Gi-Oh card in the world is sold in Japan for 45 million yen,' talked about overseas --GIGAZINE

in Manga,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log