Does inadvertently swallowing chewing gum have any effect on the human body?

When you finish chewing gum, you spit it out and throw it away, but there are many people who have swallowed it. 'Isn't it suffocating if I swallow gum?' 'Isn't it sticking to my body?' Dr. Nancy McGarreal said, 'It's okay to swallow gum. Is it explained?

Myth or Fact: It Takes Seven Years to Digest Chewing Gum | Duke Health

Doctor debunks the stomach-churning myth about an “indestructible” food

Most people empty their stomachs 30 to 120 minutes after eating, but gum also disappears from their stomachs. However, the base of the gum is not completely digested like popcorn seeds and fibrous vegetables. This is because the human body does not have the enzymes that break down the base of gum.

The gum goes to the intestines after passing through the stomach, but again it is not absorbed by the body. However, the gum does not stick to the intestinal wall or remain in the intestine as a large mass. Unless you have some digestive illness, gum is excreted from the body through the same process as other foods.

'Swallowing gum isn't harmful to the human body. I've found gum left in my stomach on all endoscopy I've done to both adults and children. However, be aware that the artificial sweeteners in gum can cause nausea and headaches if swallowed in large amounts. '

'We have found that chewing gum can help you focus more on cognitive tasks, especially memory tasks,' said Inverse, a science news site.

in Science,   Junk Food, Posted by log1p_kr