It turns out that people who eat out frequently have a 50% higher mortality rate than those who don't

For people who don't cook much at home, eating out is one of the most attractive ways to eat. However, eating out all the time certainly has an impact on your health. According to a study conducted by Yan Du of the University of Iowa, people who ate out frequently had a 49% higher mortality rate than those who didn't.
Association Between Frequency of Eating Away-From-Home Meals and Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality - Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Scientists calculate the number of take-out meals that increase chance of death
Frequent consumption of meals prepared away from home linked to increased risk of early death -- ScienceDaily
Yang and his colleagues conducted a survey of 35,084 Americans aged 20 and over between 1999 and 2014. Comparing those who ate out two or more meals a day with those who ate out once a week or less, the mortality rate of the former was 49% higher than that of the latter. In terms of causes of death, cardiovascular causes were 18% higher and cancer causes were 67% higher.
While some restaurants offer high-quality meals, meals served at restaurants, especially fast-food restaurants, tend to be high in calories, fat and salt and low in vegetables, fruits and fiber. 'If consumed frequently, these meals increase the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes, and increase mortality,' Yang said.
'This is one of the first studies to quantify the relationship between eating out and mortality,' said co-researcher Wei Bao. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that energy intake from eating out doubled between 1977 and 2011. The restaurant industry is booming, and the number of restaurants is steadily increasing, so it is expected that more and more people will eat out in the future.
Yang and his team want people to know that eating out frequently may not be a healthy habit. Also, meals at home are not always good, and Bao says, 'It's important to focus on what you eat, not who made it.'

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