300 smuggled NVIDIA graphics are confiscated from fishing vessels

The Customs and Excise Bureau of Hong Kong has announced that it has seized a large amount of smuggled goods from smugglers' fishing vessels. The seized smuggled goods reportedly contained as many as 300 NVIDIA graphics boards.

Hong Kong Customs Busts GPU Smugglers, Seizes 300 Nvidia CMP 30HX GPUs | Tom's Hardware


The local media, TVB NEWS, reported on the seizure of smuggled goods in the following movie around 29 minutes and 50 seconds.

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According to TVB NEWS, maritime police patrol near Hong Kong International Airport around 2 am found a smuggler loading a motorboat from a fishing boat. Upon approaching, the trader jumped on a motorboat and escaped.

Police tracked the motorboat but couldn't catch it. After that, when the police who turned back checked the cargo of the abandoned fishing boat, a large amount of shark fins, smartphones, and graphic boards were found. According to police, the total amount of high-tech products seized is HK $ 2 million.

The type of graphic board has not been reported, but from the video released on TVB NEWS, the seized graphic board seems to be a model equipped with

NVIDIA's GPU for virtual currency mining 'CMP30HX'. The CMP30HX is the lowest grade product among NADIA's dedicated mining GPUs, but it is priced at $ 723 (about 79,000 yen) in overseas markets.

With the global shortage of semiconductors that has continued since the beginning of 2021, the value of Ethereum and Bitcoin has skyrocketed, and the demand for cryptocurrency mining has skyrocketed, making GPUs particularly difficult to obtain. This raid means that GPUs are being treated as an important commodity in the smuggling business behind rising demand. 'Sadly, gamers who need GPUs don't know when the pain of GPU shortage will end,' said Tom's Hardware, an IT news site.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk