Reported that 'the world's worst internet crime den' exists in a rural area of the Netherlands

The Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad reports on 'the worst hosting company in the world' in the small town
The cesspool of the internet is to be found in a village in North Holland --NRC
Ecatel, a hosting company that NRC Handelsblad calls 'the worst in the world,' is the predecessor of Colinks, a company founded on May 13, 2002 by a man named Bartolomeus Johannes K, commonly known as Bap. Recognizing that the Netherlands is a stable country and has a solid electrical and communications infrastructure, Bop hired a teenage man named Reinel van E from The Hague as a technical officer to do business in the Netherlands. It was started.

The hosting service they started is to rent servers and networks as if a landlord rents a room to a resident. Borrowers use servers rented from hosting services to develop online businesses or sublease their networks to another person. Although hosting itself is a non-illegal service, it is sometimes used to operate pirated sites and exchange illegal data, and such hosting services are
Bop and Reinel, who founded Ecatel at an address in Kent, England, along with countless paper companies, set up their own data center by leaving the insurance company building in Walmel and started a full-scale bulletproof hosting business. did. According to British security expert Jart Armin, many criminal activities such as hacking and child pornography trading, including the Dutch radical right-wing group Vizier op Links, which threatens politicians and activists, are Ecatel. It is said that it is based in the hosting service of. Armin also found that Russia's large cybercriminal organization, the Russian Business Network, is using Ecatel's services.
However, Armin's provision of Ecatel information to the Dutch police tech criminal team has not improved the situation at all. This is because Dutch law does not allow hosting companies to track customer communications. So even if Ecatel knew that his hosting service was a hotbed of crime, he could cut it off.
Of course, if you receive a report that illegal data is being traded, the hosting service will have to deal with it. However, Ecatel seems to be overwhelming by limiting the number of reports received per day and placing detailed orders in the format of the deletion application document. 'The Dutch law enforcement authorities are reluctant to undertake a full-scale investigation to prove that Bop and others are malicious,' some people said.

A staff member of the Dutch Center for Child Abuse Countermeasures (EOKM) told NRC Handelsblad that 'Bop and Reinel can prove that the child in the child pornography image is a minor. Often, our emails are in spam folders and our email addresses are blocked. Ecatel's site has a form for reporting, which we accept. I only get 5 reports a day, so I can't work. '
Also, Professor Michel van Eiten of Delft University of Technology said, 'We have provided police with a list of hosting services involved in activities such as child pornography, cyber attacks, spam and phishing, but it has helped us. Not because the police need proof that the company is deliberately neglecting to remove malicious data in order for the police to do so, while pretending that the hosting service is dealing with the call. Even if you do something to help your clients behind the scenes, it's extremely difficult to prove. '
Finally in September 2020, Europol (Europol) was subjected to the lobbying of the Netherlands Financial Research Department (FIOD) has conducted a criminal investigation of Ecatel, it was bop and Raineru et al also will be subject to questioning. However, since this was just a hearing on suspicion of tax evasion, both of them were released immediately. Since then, Bop and others have disappeared from Walmel's data center.
NRC Handelsblad asked Ecatel to comment on the Dutch authorities' announcement that it had raided seven bulletproof hosters, but Bop and Reinel wrote in writing, 'Why did you think it had something to do with us or us?' What is it? ”And did not mention the investigation.
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