AI that creates faces for non-existent cats and women is being abused by Twitter bots

In recent years, it has become possible to easily generate facial photographs of fictitious people using AI, and cases of misuse such as '

introducing a fictitious person created by AI as an engineer ' have been reported. A new data scientist working on a Twitter account called Conspirador Norteño points out that 'there are a large number of Twitter bots that use AI-created non-realistic cat and woman facial photos.'

Twitter Accounts With AI-Generated Cat Avatars at Center of Turkish Porn Bot Ring

In SNS such as Twitter and Instagarm, the existence of bot accounts that spread hoaxes and promote specific products, and networks where bots follow each other to increase the spreading power are regarded as problems. SNS companies are taking measures such as deleting bot accounts, but in recent years bots have become more sophisticated, and it seems difficult to identify them as bots at first glance.

On February 14, 2021, Conspirador Norteño used a female face photo generated using the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) , a type of artificial intelligence algorithm, in the icon image of the bot account ' @ Dilde97512368 '. I reported that there was.

GAN is an algorithm that can easily generate pictures of fictitious people that do not exist in the world, such as ' This person does not exist ', and trains two neural network systems that compete with each other to produce high-quality images. can do.

'This person does not exist' that allows you to easily generate an image of a person who does not exist in this world with one touch --GIGAZINE

We also analyzed the followers of @ Dilde97512368 and found that 60 accounts also used 'fictitious female face photos' as icons ...

Cat photos in 15 accounts

It is said that anime-like character images were used in the seven accounts.

Further expansion revealed a network of bots with a total of 3204 accounts, Conspirador Norteño reports. Many of these bot accounts have AI-generated female face photos, cat photos, anime-like characters, and reusable landscape images set as icons, and each account can follow each other to increase the number of followers. It seems that he is earning money. Also, all accounts were created after January 25, 2021.

A closer look at AI-generated images often reveals unnatural distortions and strange features that don't exist in real humans. In fact, Conspirador Norteño points out the unnatural features of the icons used by these accounts, but images as small as Twitter icons are less likely to notice subtle discomfort.

The bot network discovered this time is mainly talking about pornography and online sports gambling in Turkish. It seems that bot accounts participating in the network reply to tweets that touch on a specific topic, and sometimes they reply in units of tens to hundreds of people.

The network of bot accounts that try to tweet and disseminate information about specific content clearly violates Twitter's ' Platform Operations and Spam Policy .' At the time of writing, many accounts reported by Conspirador Norteño have been restricted or suspended by Twitter.

in Mobile,   Software,   Web Service, Posted by log1h_ik