City council, who has served as a member of the Diet for 33 years, loses his job due to 'lack of PC skills'

Jim Coleman, 74, who has the longest service in the Glasgow city council in Scotland, lost his job because he couldn't use the IT equipment needed for online meetings.

Glasgow's longest serving councillor loses job because he can't work laptop --Glasgow Live

Jim Coleman: Long serving Glasgow Labor councillor'sacked' for non attendance | Glasgow Times

Jim Coleman was first elected as the former Scottish Parliament's Second District City Council in 1988, and after the reorganization of the Scottish Parliament, he was a member of the Glasgow City Council and held important posts such as the Vice Chairman of the Provisional Council. It was a veteran city council that I had been doing, but I was forced to leave my job.

Coleman was ousted because he violated the Scottish Parliament's rule that 'members who haven't attended the meeting for six months will lose their jobs.' Britain, which is suffering from the epidemic of the new coronavirus, which is one of the top in Europe, has been restricting going out since March 2020, and the Glasgow City Council has also switched the conference online.

Mr. Coleman said that he could not use the notebook PC for attending the online meeting for some reason, so he continued to work in the old style of 'letter and phone'. In 2019, the previous year, his parliamentary attendance rate was 91%, which was a very high attendance rate.

'After 33 years of career, I'm very disappointed to leave Congress in this way. I intended to continue contributing to the community until the 2022 city council elections,' said Coleman. It's the result of a rule that doesn't allow you to do this. I hope my colleagues in the city council, especially the Labor Party I belong to, will do their best for the future. ' Coleman's Labor Party said, 'During the pandemic, Jim worked the traditional way. He couldn't attend online meetings, but I can't blame him for not fulfilling his responsibilities in the past year.' It states.

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