Enter a mysterious world with a large volume photo book packed with more than 300 photos of models with Amabie as a motif

Amabie Photobook: Dreams on the Moonlit Night at the Bottom of the Water (GIGAZINE) | Keisui Yamazaki, GIGAZINE | Kindle Store | Amazon

The same author, 'Amabie Coloring Book,' is also available on the Kindle Store. If you are a Kindle Unlimited member, you can read this for free at any time, so please check it out if you are interested.
Amabie Coloring Book | Keisui Yamazaki | Art / Architecture / Design | Kindle Store | Amazon

The table of contents of the work collection looks like an image. The photo is divided into two chapters, 'Overview' and 'Amabie'. The first half 'Overview' is a list of small horizontally long photos, and the second half 'Amabie' is a large vertically long photo.
The preface talks about the concept of the photobook.

In the collection of works 'Overview', short poems with motifs are shown in each chapter of 'Midnight', 'Moon Night', 'Omen', 'Plague Dispersal', 'Prophecy', and 'Healing' ...
Photographs of handmade Amabie with themes and poems as motifs are recorded side by side.

Chapter of 'moonlit night' motif

Each theme, poetry, and photography, such as the chapter with the motif of 'disappearance of plague', are united to attract you to a strange world.

In the latter half of the collection of works, 'Amabie', works of the same six themes are posted in larger vertical images.

The chapter 'Deep Sea' has become a deeper collection of works, with the door design and poetry becoming more authentic.

The second half contains about 60 photographs for each chapter, for a total of about 360 photographs, and the volume of the book is over 400 pages. Whether you're looking at it as a work of art or fluttering around to benefit from the plague eradication, download it and enjoy it.

'Amabie Photobook' is in a free campaign until 17:00 on January 7th to commemorate the release. You can also read it for free at any time if you are a Kindle Unlimited member.
Amabie Photobook: Dreams on the Moonlit Night at the Bottom of the Water (GIGAZINE) | Keisui Yamazaki, GIGAZINE | Handicrafts | Kindle Store | Amazon

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