Netflix and Amazon sign Indian rules to 'self-regulate streaming services'

It was revealed that Netflix and Amazon Prime Video signed the rule 'Universal Self-Regulation Code for OCCPs' (OCCP's universal self-regulation rule) that self-regulates content prior to censorship from Indian authorities.
Online Curated Content Industry Unveils “Universal Self-Regulation Code for OCCPs”
(PDF file)
15 Indian streaming platforms, including Netflix, Hotstar, Jio, Amazon agree on self-regulation code | MediaNama

In India, the film has been censored by the Central Film Certification Board for release. However, the works released via the rapidly growing streaming service have not been censored and have been regarded as a problem.
Meanwhile, in order to avoid censorship by the authorities, the Indian Internet and Mobile Association ' IAMAI ' announced in February 2020 (PDF file) that it will create 'content rules' that voluntarily regulate streaming services. Finally, he announced a plan to create an organization called 'Digital Content Complaints Committee (DCCC)' that listens to viewers' complaints and penalizes companies. However, it was also suggested that this rule is in draft stage and may change in the future.
And on September 4, the new IAMAI announced that 15 streaming services and digital content distribution companies have signed new content rules. Also, in response to criticism of the content of the rules in February, the 'creation of the Digital Content Complaint Committee' was excluded from the new content rules. Instead, it was stated that each platform would establish an advisory committee of three members to play the role of appealing complaints within the company.

Two of the advisory committees must be directors of the streaming service, one must be an 'independent advisor of an external organization', and the external advisor is a 'person who specializes in gender equality and children's rights'. It is required to be. It is unclear at the time of writing the article whether this rule will be approved by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of India.
The newly created rules have been signed by 15 services including Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and Disney+ Hotstar.
The new rules are called 'Universal Self-Regulation Codes for OCCPs'. OCCP stands for 'Online Curated Content Provider' and refers to each platform.
When the rules were announced in February, some platforms declined to sign because IAMAI had talks with the government without the platform's agreement. As a result, the new rules were agreed at the industrial level. As a result, the requirements for each company are less relaxed than in the previous draft.
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