Former military personnel escape imprisonment due to 'heart wounds suffered on the battlefield' that gathered nearly 900 child pornographic images

A 60-year-old man who was arrested on charges of saving 881 child pornographic images on his device pleaded guilty in court. A former military man testifies that 'post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a long-standing battlefield experience, was the motivation for collecting child pornography.' In recognition of this, the district court ordered 18 months of community service without imprisonment.

Military officer spared jail because his pedophilia was triggered by PTSD: judge | CBC News

The man has been working as a military medical assistant for 33 years and has retired as a senior associate officer, who is almost the highest army of any non-appointed general. In addition to collecting a large amount of child pornographic images, the man was also accused of asking a girlfriend with a five-year-old son to 'send me a nude photo of his son.' The girlfriend sent a sexually explicit message to the man with a picture of his son as 'encouragement and enthusiastic support.'

The case was discovered when a girlfriend's ex-husband noticed an email and an image, and the man was arrested in December 2017.

The prosecution demanded 7-10 months in prison and 12-18 months in probation, but a male lawyer said: 'Men have witnessed repeated atrocities on the battlefield and suffered severe PTSD. Insists. A male caregiver also testified that 'a man was suffering from depression.'

'It is a well-known symptom that people suffering from PTSD often take risk and risk-seeking actions to combat the horrifying symptoms of PTSD. It's entirely possible that they were seeking this dangerous and lamentable sexual behavior to deal with their symptoms,' he admitted that PTSD motivated men's obsession with child pornography.

Judge McKinme also noted that the men themselves did not have any evidence that they actually touched children, including boys, and that the men were sincerely reflecting on them and that they were unable to imprisonment due to health problems. Pointed out. The sentence was that the man was not sentenced to imprisonment, but was given 18 months of community service and 2 years of probation. The personal information of men will be listed in the sex offender information register for 20 years.

Judge McKinmu said, 'This decision is really due to exceptional circumstances.' 'PTSD temporarily turned men towards dark and sinister sexual preferences.' Men have spent a relatively short period of time in the dark and abominable world of child pornography and pedophilia.'

in Note, Posted by log1i_yk