I tried drinking 'berry berry & peach tea' at McDonald's that sweetened and sour berry & peach scented iced iced tea that cools down the body

2020 July 29 from the (water) of McDonald's

McCafe by Barista (McCafe by varistor) in the on-site shop, the flesh to Lipton of water out iced tea combined, such as whole contains a mix berry source 'Berry Berry & Peach tea Is available for a limited time until mid-September. 'McCafe by Barista' It is said that it is the first ice tea with fruit pulp in the history and it is a perfect drink for summer, so I actually tried drinking and checking what kind of taste it was finished.

'Berry Berry & Peach Tea' is available for a limited time♪ | McDonald's Japan

Arrived at McDonald's with McCafe by Barista.

I bought Berry Berry & Peach Tea. Only M size (360 yen including tax) is available.

Compared to the iPhone 11 with a total length of 144 mm, it looks like this.

Lipton's cold iced tea is covered with peach puree sauce and mixed berry sauce with cranberry and cassis pulp.

When you actually drink it, the iced tea itself is a flavor tea with a scent of hibiscus and pineapple, and the summery and refreshing scent of pineapple is combined with the gorgeous flavor of peach and berry fruity, luxurious and elegant. Finished with a drink of atmosphere.

Although the sweetness of peach and the sweet and sourness of berries are felt, the overall sweetness is modest. If you like sweets, it's better to add gum syrup.

The mixed berries with gorok had a firm sense of the sourness of the fruit and I enjoyed the juiciness of the fruit.

The sauce with peach puree tends to accumulate on the bottom, so it is recommended to stir the whole mixture before drinking.

Berry Berry & Peach Tea (360 yen including tax) can be purchased at McDonald's with 123 McCafe by Barista stores nationwide from Wednesday, July 29, 2020 to the middle of September. McCafe by Barista stores can be found on the official page .

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1h_ik