Historical data on 'Japan's first plastic playing cards' made by Nintendo is on sale

by beforemario

Nintendo is a world-class game maker, but it was also famous for manufacturing Hanafuda and toys before it became a large company by hitting the Mario series, which was

certified as Guinness record as the best-selling game series. is. You can see the tradition and history of Nintendo by looking at the sales data of the playing card released by Nintendo in 1953, which is released by Nintendo fans.

beforemario: Nintendo's washable playing cards from 1953

The blog 'before mario', which covers Nintendo toys from 'Before Mario', is published by Eric Voskir in the Netherlands. Vosquier is a hardcore collector who has been toyed by Nintendo's toys and has published a book called ' Before Mario ' and has also been interviewed frequently by Japanese game magazines.

by beforemario

Mr. Vosquill said that 'Nintendo's position as a manufacturer of playing cards has been solidified' is a plastic playing card released by Nintendo in 1953.

The cover of the promotional leaflet released by Vosquill at the time of its release has the product name 'Nap Card' and the image of playing cards submerged in water.

by beforemario

At the time of writing the article, the Nap card was sold by Nintendo as a '

NAP ' series, but it was said that it was Japan's first epoch-making product as a plastic card.

The leaflet states, 'This is the only king of Trump!!' 'Let's bring a big revolution to Trump in our country.' Also, in order to appeal to the Japanese people who were not used to plastic cards at that time, it can be seen that unlike the paper playing cards, the characteristic that it is resistant to water and dirt is pushed out to the front.

by beforemario

'The main feature of the product is that the card is washable. The leaflet cover also shows the card soaked in water. People who actually wash the card regularly I wonder how long it is, but the fact that it's stain resistant and doesn't break or bend is certainly a very good thing.'

by beforemario

The company name on the back of the leaflet is 'Nintendo Bone Co., Ltd.' The bone tile is a karuta.

by beforemario

Nintendo continued to manufacture paper playing cards after the launch of the Nap Card, but gradually plastic playing cards became the standard playing card for children.

by beforemario

“The launch of plastic playing cards has solidified Nintendo's position as a playing card maker, and more importantly, Napcard is the first innovative product developed by Takeshi

Yamauchi . He has been president of Nintendo for more than 50 years, and by the time he took over the role of Satoshi Iwata in 2002, he introduced a number of innovative products to the world.”

The social news site took up the blog post Hacker News of the thread , the ' Nintendo, more than 100 years in the dramatic changes in Japanese culture and economy also survive, continue to be the innovative companies unchanged even now I am amazed at how many times have you maintained a corporate culture that pursues creativity for such a long time? '


When I looked for Hanafuda after watching the movie 'Summer Wars', I was happy to see that Nintendo was still making Hanafuda! I'm not good at Hanafuda yet I love cards! '

in Game, Posted by log1l_ks