Researchers are confident that 'the situation will be greatly changed' while research on destroying new coronavirus in the air with an ultraviolet lamp is ongoing

Research is underway to destroy the new coronavirus, which is rampaging all over the world, using ultraviolet light. A person who leads the research says that a virus-destructive lamp that uses UV light will be a '
Could a New Ultraviolet Technology Fight the Spread of Coronavirus? | Columbia News
Since 2013, Dr. David Brenner of Columbia University has been studying ways to use UV light to kill antibiotic-resistant resistant bacteria. As of 2018, Dr. Brenner and colleagues have discovered 'a very small spectral range of ultraviolet light that is safe for the human body while having the ability to kill harmful bacteria'.
Utilization of ultraviolet light, which is harmless to the human body, is being sought in order to stop the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria-GIGAZINE

It has been known for decades that UV light with a wavelength of 254 nm is effective in destroying viruses and bacteria, and it has been used in hospitals and laboratories to sterilize equipment and rooms. However, this wavelength of UV light can damage skin and eyes and cause health problems, so it cannot be used on humans.
The research team led by Dr. Brenner, on the other hand, discovered that 'the ultraviolet light has a very small spectral range that is safe for the human body while having the ability to kill harmful bacteria.' With a wavelength of approximately 205-230 nm. Since it does not reach the cells of the human body, it is safe to irradiate the eyes and skin.
The research team led by Dr. Brenner succeeded in destroying the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in the air or on the surface of an object by using a lamp that emits a low dose of deep UV C waves continuously. Dr. Brenner said, 'There is a potential for deep UV C-waves to become a' game changer '. Lamps using deep UV C-waves can be safely used in public places, and You can destroy the pathogen before you inhale. '
According to Brenner, deep-UV C-waves may be able to strongly suppress pandemics that may occur in the future. Dr. Brenner said, 'We need to develop a vaccine against the virus that causes the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), but at the same time we need to protect the human body from the new virus that occurs next,' SARS-CoV- Claims the usefulness of deep UV C waves that can destroy not only 2 but various bacteria and viruses.
Dr. Brenner said, 'Our far-UV C-wave lamp is a low-cost and safe solution that can eradicate viruses in the air caused by breathing, coughing, and sneezing within minutes. COVID-19 causes Not only can it prevent the global spread of the virus, but it can also prevent new viruses that may emerge in the future or existing viruses that cause influenza or measles. '

It is expected that the far-ultraviolet C-wave lamp will be installed in public indoor facilities to destroy the SARS-CoV-2 diffused in public facilities. In addition, since the far-ultraviolet C-wave lamp can be easily retrofitted to existing lighting equipment, it can be easily installed in hospitals, clinics, schools, shelters, airports, airplanes, and transportation facilities. ..
Although lamps that can radiate deep ultraviolet C waves are produced by several companies at the time of article creation, in order to move to large-scale production, the manufacturing facilities were expanded, and from the US Food and Drug Administration and the United States Environmental Protection Agency Must be approved. According to Dr. Brenner, the far-ultraviolet C-wave lamp can be introduced at a relatively low cost of about 500 to 1,000 dollars (about 5 to 110,000 yen), and it may be cheaper if mass-produced.
Dr. Brenner said, 'The deep UV C-wave approach is a radically different strategy in combating COVID-19. Most approaches focus on the battle after the virus has entered the body. Yes, but the deep-UV C-wave focuses on the stage before the virus enters the body and is one of the few approaches that could actually prevent the spread. '
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in Science, Posted by logu_ii