Why could the city, which had been overwhelmed by narcotics and forgotten by the police, achieve the highest level of security in Japan?

The city of Chelan, a city in Mexico, was once a very insecure area, with drug groups entering and leaving the city, causing frequent blackmails, murders, and disappearances. The efforts of residents to collaborate to protect Chelan, who was almost unilaterally invaded by drug groups, and to continue to protect the city without relying on police or politicians, are recognized as a successful example in Mexico and abroad. I am.

The Mexican indigenous community that ran politicians out of town | World news | The Guardian


After long fight for self-government, indigenous town of Cherán, Mexico ushers in new council

A town in Mexico overthrew their local government. Things couldn't be going better .-- VICE

In Chelan, where the indigenous people of Mexico and the Prepecha people live, a drug organization began to move in and out from around 2011, and it began to clear forests at a tremendous speed, and logs of dozens of trucks were taken out of the city every week. went. Moreover, despite the number of cases in which the people who resist deforestation were killed by drug groups, the politicians and police who ruled Chelan at the time were messed up by the drug groups. It seems that he did nothing.

The women of Chelan, who decided they couldn't rely on corrupt politicians and police, grouped up and armed themselves, and confronted drug groups early in the morning on April 15, 2011. A group of women assaulted a human being, a drug organization that had been clearing the forest, with sticks and stones, blocking the road to enter Chelan with a barricade. “We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner by the barricades and set up rotations to keep the chelan up all night,” said Patricia Fernandes, one of the women's groups.

The 24-hour alert from the barricade lasted for about three months, and the defeated drug organization withdrew from Chelan. After successfully expelling the drug group, the people of Chelan launched a council of twelve members, including Fernandez, who defended Chelan at the barricade, and banished mayors, politicians, and police from Chelan. The Chelan council was constitutionally ruled by the Supreme Court of Mexico in 2014.

There are occasional politicians in Chelan to vote for campaigns. However, the council bans political activities inside Chelan, and politicians will be driven back by the security forces formed by the residents. There is no political poster for the party in Chelan, instead there is a mural that praises the leader of the

Mexican Revolution , Emiliano Zapata , and blames the party, and a mural that says 'Chelang is not a toy.' It is decorated.

According to the people of Chelan, politicians who ruled Chelan before 2011 not only tolerated the existence of drug groups, but also funded deforestation and cultivated land of Chelan residents. He said he was trying to deprive him of his rights. 'The politicians have taken away everything in Chelan at the end of their term,' said Salvador Seja, a territorial commissioner in Chelan.

The Chelan council is committed to environmental protection and afforestation in order to regenerate the forests that have been robbed by drug groups while being self-governing.

Benjamin Fernandez, a sociologist who studies cellan, appreciates the system of the council in Chelan that controls corruption. The members of the council have less salaries than neighboring politicians, and the monthly salary is about 150 dollars (about 16,000 yen) to 400 dollars (about 42,000 yen). Members are decided every three years by elections, and when the responsibility is held due to scandals etc., the residents of Chelan will decide the disposal.

'Chelang's credit is for peace. The murder rate of Chelan is probably second only to Yucatan in Mexico,' Fernandez said.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log