Amazon's warehouse worker complains about new corona countermeasures first COVID-19 fatal person

The infection with the new coronavirus has spread, and many occupations are forced to take leave or work remotely, but doctors and supermarket salesclerks are required to continue working as usual. Amazon, which is an EC site where everything is available, is growing so much that

household items are out of stock due to demand for the new coronavirus, so warehouse workers at Amazon are required to work as usual or more . However, workers who work in Amazon's warehouse have also complained that 'the new measures against the new coronavirus that Amazon is taking to ensure their safety are not sufficient', and some employees It had evolved into a situation where the staff members went on strike . It has been reported that among such warehouse workers of Amazon, a fatal person due to the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) finally came out.

First Amazon warehouse worker dies of COVID-19 as fulfillment center outbreaks mount – GeekWire

Many people work at Amazon's fulfillment centers , including the people who pack the goods, the deliverers who deliver them to customers, the warehouse managers, and the contractor employees. There are more than 500 such Amazon warehouses in the United States, and 50 warehouses out of which are infected with the new coronavirus infection, so often from inside and outside Amazon `` Amazon's new coronavirus measures are perfect. The question has been asked. The complaints received so far against Amazon's new corona virus countermeasures, and the response that Amazon has taken in response to it, etc. are summarized in the following article.

Confessing the fear that Amazon's warehouse worker faces in the new coronavirus pandemic-GIGAZINE

However, it has become clear from the news that Amazon warehouse workers finally died of the first new coronavirus infection. The first death from a new coronavirus infection occurred on March 31, 2020, and the person who died was working as an operations manager at a fulfillment center in Southern California. Business Insider reports first, then GeekWire contacts Amazon to confirm the facts.

Amazon spokeswoman Kristen Kish told GeekWire, 'I'm deeply saddened to see the death of a member of the Hawthorne, California management team. My heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones. And we will support his peers and co-workers. '

According to reports, a man who worked as an operations manager at Amazon's fulfillment center traveled to Mexico from March 7 to 20, 2020, and then returned to Japan. From around March 26th, he began to complain of new coronavirus infection, was hospitalized, and died on the 31st. In addition, Amazon claims that 'the person did not commute to the fulfillment center after returning to the United States'.

It is unknown when and where employees died of the new coronavirus infection were infected with the virus, but his fulfillment center, where he worked, is one of the warehouses where cases of the new coronavirus infection were reported.

In addition, Amazon announced a new employment of 100,000 people in March 2020 to meet the demand for the new coronavirus, but on April 14, 2020, an additional 75,000 people will be employed. I have revealed what I was doing.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii