Headline news on March 6, 2020

The animation project of the manga ' Many Missing ' by Taiga Miyagawa , which was ranked second in the ' Manga rankings that want to be animated ' of AnimeJapan 2019 , has started on CAMPFIRE, a cloud funding platform.

Popular brain action manga 'many missing' animation project-CAMPFIRE

The target amount is 8 million yen, and when it is achieved, a short animation of more than 5 minutes will be produced with an opening of 1 minute 30 seconds and a main part of about 4 minutes. For the plan, a limited-time PV of the narration of Mr. Kaji Yuki who plays an active part as 'Attack on Titan' Ellen Jaeger has been released.

`` Many missing '' animation project PV β version-YouTube

In addition, the first and second parts of the manga are also released for free for a limited time.

Missing Many [Part 1]-GANMA!

Missing Many [Part 2]-GANMA!

Marui Group has sponsored this project, March 6 in the (gold) to 15 (Sunday) Shibuya Marui 7th floor event space Shibumaru 7, original goods sales and exhibitions carried out, such as ' large number missing animated project Support Headquarters ~ supported by Yataka Zaibatsu ~ ”will open for a limited time. For one week from March 14 (Sat) to 20 (Fri), Kaji-san's project support comments will be broadcast in all Marui stores, and narrated anime commercials will be played on digital signage.

By the way, this article was published on the same day in the past in the past.

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◆ Materials (memos / others)

◆ Science (Science / Academic / Technology)
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◆ Society, politics, economy (incidents, world news, business)
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◆ Lifestyle (Life / Life / Health)

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◆ IT Gadget (Net / Software / Hard / Mobile)

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◆ Anime / Game / Manga (Subculture)
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◆ New products (clothing, food, residence)
'Shion Vanilla Pudding' New Release March 16 | Hokkaido Dairy Products Co., Ltd.

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