I tried topping `` vegetable curry soy meat cutlet '' of CoCo Ichibanya which is meat itself even though it is 100% plant-derived

`` Soybean Meat Menchikatsu, '' which uses only plant-derived ingredients, is available on Coco Ichibanya's topping menu, where you can explore your own curry by combining various toppings with curry roux of your choice and spiciness.March 2020 We have been joining since 1st (Sun). By using soybean meat as a raw material, it is said that the taste of menchikatsu itself has been realized even though animal-derived materials are not used, so I tried it with topping on

coco Ichibeji curry using only plant-derived raw materials.

Kokoichi Veggie Curry + Soy Meat Menchi Katsu | Kokoichi Menu | Curry House CoCo Ichibanya

Even vegetarians can eat with confidence! Soy Meat Menchi Katsu & Coco Ichi Veg Curry
(PDF file) https://www.ichibanya.co.jp/comp/whatsnew/docs/4ea870ff3fa9424504e93aa84d55e38c5f9f908e.pdf

Arrived at Coco Ichibanya.

Looking at the menu for the seats, the combination of new topping and coco ichi veji curry was listed, so I ordered immediately.

About 5 minutes after ordering, a coco veji curry (687 yen including tax) topped with 'soy meat meat cutlet' has been carried. Rice is the basic 300g and the spiciness is normal. The price of 'Soybean Meat Menchikatsu' alone is 157 yen including tax.

This is how it looks when compared to a transportation IC card. The calories in 'Soy Meat Men's Cutlet & Coco Ichi Veg Curry' are 939kcal, and the calories in 'Soy Meat Men's Cutlet' alone are 213kcal.

When you eat a bite of soy meat cutlet, the meaty savory juice overflows from the crispy batter. It seems a little light compared to ordinary menchikatsu, but it is a level that you will not notice unless you are told. It had a texture similar to coarse meat, and I re-examined the slip to see if I had ordered a real menchikatsu.

If you look closely at the contents, you will find a brown soybean meat packed with chopped vegetables, but it looks just like minced meat.

Coco Ichibeji Curry is rich in seasoning with sweetness and richness of vegetables. This curry roux penetrates into the clothes of the menchikatsu, and you can taste both the richness of the vegetables melted into the roux and the taste of the menchikatsu with a bite, so with a satisfaction that you can not imagine as a dish using only plant-derived materials did. The point is that it does not lean on the stomach after eating because it does not use meat.

'Meat cutlet of soy meat' can be ordered from CoCo Ichibanya nationwide from Sunday, March 1, 2020, and can be topped on any curry sauce.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1l_ks