Scientific methods of healing 'broken heart' are being studied

If you confess your will to someone you like, but you are easily frustrated, or your lover who has been with you for a long time is saying goodbye, the hearts of those who have experienced severe heartbreak will be terribly damaged. The Guardian of the British letter has reported that attempts are being made to heal in a scientific way the 'broken heart' that can sometimes lead to nausea, insomnia and depression.

Can science cure a broken heart? | Science | The Guardian

Fortunately for those suffering from heartbreak, researchers are finding ways to alleviate the pain of heartbreak. Released by the research team of the Technical University of Madrid in March 2019 study in, 'it is used in general anesthesia and analgesics immediately after the remembered subjects painful experience propofol when injected with, difficult to remember the painful experience after 24 hours It becomes. '

The purpose of this study was to seek ways to alleviate the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) , but because of the potential for PTSD to suffer from heartbreak, treatment with propofol It may be applicable to the pain of broken heart.

'The combination of anesthesia and arousal of emotional memory makes it harder to remember painful memories. We have people who work well and the benefits of treatment,' said Bryan Strange , Technical University of Technology lead. There is a need to derive criteria that can justify the risk of administering anesthesia. For those whose heartbreak is a major pain, they may exceed the criteria for allowing treatment. '

In recent years, 'Apps that recover from the pain of broken hearts' have been released one after another through advice and actions to ease the mood, such as

Mend , Rx Breakup, and Break-Up Boss . A 2017 study also showed that brain-based training could reduce impulse after heartbreak and enhance self-control.

Helen Fisher, who has been studying the effects of love on the human brain for many years, uses MRI scans to show that in the brains of loved ones and separated ones, areas related to desire and obsession are activated. I discovered that Fisher pointed out that this area is also a site that is activated in the brains of gambling and addiction sufferers, so there is a similarity between a broken heart and a person trying to break the addiction.

Based on Fisher's findings, Barbara Sahakian , a clinical psychologist at Cambridge University, is developing an app to help heal broken hearts. 'Love is very addictive. Your brain's reward system is activated by loved ones. If you break up with loved ones, you meet with loved ones, send messages, We need to get rid of the habitual and compulsive behavior of listening to voice, and the best way to alleviate the pain of broken heart is to spend time distracting something else, '' Sahakian asserts. I am.

In addition, the ``

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Method (EMDR) '' that combines eye movement and recall of trauma experience, and neurofeedback that adjusts EEG by using electrodes, etc., are ways to overcome the pain of broken heart As controversial. A rapper from the United States, Dessa , also tried neurofeedback to treat the pain of breaking up with a lover who had been dating for 14 years.

Neurofeedback has been suggested by small studies to be effective in treating depression and PTSD , and Dessa attempted to treat broken heart pain in nine sessions. As a result, Mr. Dessa seems to have no stronger feelings than before even if he saw his former lover, but Mr. Dessa does not deny that the change that occurred to himself was due to the placebo effect .

Brian Earp, who studies psychology, philosophy and ethics at Oxford University, points out that technologies such as neurofeedback that uses electrodes to intervene in EEG are not for everyone. They say that drug-based chemical interventions are easier for people to use, and that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may help to reduce interpersonal sentiment, which could help them break up with loved ones. There is.

Both Fisher and Earp point out that ethical issues need to be addressed in the process of putting technology to heal broken hearts into practice. As a result of the technology that breaks the feelings of love falling on the market, there may be cases where one day suddenly using drugs to cut off relationships with lovers. However, sometimes people may review their future actions from mistakes and regrets, and the unexpected effects of eliminating the pain of broken hearts may surface.

Fisher recommends a way to deal with the pain of broken heart without resorting to scientific methods. 'Keep letters from loved ones out of sight.' 'Exercise without emailing or calling. Exercise increases

dopamine secretion and increases resistance to pain. Do not try to be friends with your ex-partner until you get over the broken heart, you should go out and move around with new people, 'said Fisher, who says that the pain of heartbreak can really heal over time and new. Claimed to be a lover.

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik