A new kind of 'walking shark' is found, the figure of walking is cute

Four new species of fin-walking tropical sharks have been found in waters off northern Australia and off New Zealand. Listening to 'walking sharks' may be anxious, but the only thing you should be afraid of is 'small fish and invertebrates', researchers say.

CSIRO PUBLISHING | Marine and Freshwater Research


Walking sharks discovered in the tropics-UQ News-The University of Queensland, Australia

The newly discovered `` walking shark '' has been created by several organizations, including Conservation International , a conservation organization based in Virginia, the U.S.A. , the Australian Federal Institute of Science and Technology , the Florida Museum of Natural History , the Indonesian Academy of Sciences , and the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Fisheries . It was published in the form of a dissertation as part of a 12-year collaborative study.

A new species of `` walking sharks '' is a tropical shark that lives in the coastal waters of northern Australia and around New Guinea, according to Christine Dawjeon, a biomedical researcher at the University of Queensland that participated in the study. is. The newly found 'walking shark' has a vivid pattern, and uses fins to move like walking on a very shallow waterside. The reason why sharks walk is explained as 'to eat coral reefs at low tide'.

The following is a video of a new type of walking shark.

Walking Sharks on Vimeo

This is a new kind of shark that walks on the sea floor.

Use four fins, a pectoral fin and a stomach fin, to walk up and down the sea floor as if it were a quadruped animal

The appearance of walking with the four fins dexterously charming.

Of course, you don't always walk on the sea floor, you can swim normally.

Dr. Dajon said, 'While sharks averaging less than one meter walk in shallow waters, they do not pose a threat to humans. Can be a significant advantage over prey creatures such as small crustaceans and mollusks, and their unique features are related species such as the dog shark and the same It is not found in distantly related species, oose and whale sharks . '

'We used research to compare mitochondrial DNA and estimated interspecies relationships. The DNA of a new species of walking shark encodes mitochondria , which convert oxygen and nutrients from food into cellular energy,' Dr. Dajon said. Survey data suggests that sharks have evolved into new species after being genetically isolated on new lands separate from the original population. '

The newly found “walking sharks” on the seabed are four species belonging to the genus Monkey's bull shark , belonging to the genus Scarabidae . In addition, according to this discovery, the number of known “walking sharks” has increased from five to nine.

in Science,   Creature,   Video, Posted by logu_ii