A black hole that raises stars across multiple galaxies by injecting high energy gas is discovered



A black hole with very strong gravity is known as a celestial body that can swallow surrounding stars and cannot escape even light. Although black holes are generally thought to disrupt stars, researchers reported that they discovered a “black hole that works to promote star formation across multiple galaxies”.

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At one time, a team of astronomers observed a jet of energetic particles spreading over a million light years in a distant universe. The research team tracks this jet using

NASA 's Chandra X-ray observation satellite, etc., and the source of the jet is a black hole in the center of the galaxy 9.9 billion light years away from the earth It seems to have found it.

Black holes are used to inspire surrounding celestial bodies and gases, but at the same time, it is also known to perform powerful jet injection at a speed close to the speed of light. The jet injection by this black hole is the largest energy phenomenon in the universe.

The Chandra X-ray observation satellite detects the formation of X-ray clouds near the tip of the jet. This seems to be a wreckage when particles in the jet mix with other substances and the heated gas bubbles are overheated. The research team believes that the hot gas bubbles have expanded greatly and have crossed four galaxies around the black hole with a jet.


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The shock wave generated when the high-temperature gas of the high-energy jet moves through the galaxy has the effect of compressing the low-temperature gas in the galaxy. The research team claims that the high-energy jets ejected by the black holes helped to form the stars, because the cooler gases need to shrink when the stars are formed. According to the research team, the galaxies crossed by the high-energy jets ejected from the black holes discovered this time seem to have increased the probability of star formation by 2 to 5 times.

The case of jets emitted by black holes creating hot bubbles and, as a result, producing cold gases and promoting the birth of stars has been confirmed by ALMA observations in the past. On the other hand, in the past discovery, the distance that the jet spreads is about tens of thousands of light years, and this discovery is the first case that promotes the formation of stars across multiple galaxies. Also, in the previous example, the probability of star formation has risen by only about 30%, and this result of “the probability of forming a star increases 2 to 5 times” is a very rare case. .

Roberto Gilli , Bologna National Institute of Astrophysics, author of the paper, said, “It's surprising that a black hole in one galaxy affects the formation of stars in another galaxy far away,” Impression about

by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik