In order to stop global warming, it is indispensable for us to stop eating meat and dairy products

Global warming is a serious problem that threatens not only plants and animals but also the future of human beings. To cope with global warming, `` Even if there are inconveniences, people change their eating habits and do not eat animal-derived foods. Jonathan Saffron Fohr, known as the author of “ Very noisy and impossible ”, argues.
Jonathan Safran Foer: why we must cut out meat and dairy before dinner to save the planet | Books | The Guardian
Mr. Fohr pointed out, “Although many people are aware that the Earth is in a critical situation, there are few people who are actually working to combat global warming.” In 2018, people were getting more information about the environment than ever before, but they were the highest greenhouse gas emissions ever. This means that there are situations where there are many people who are aware of the problem but are not able to take action.
Of course, greenhouse gas emissions are not all determined by one individual activity, including reasons such as increased coal use in China and India, global economic growth, population growth, and increased use of air conditioning due to extreme climates. There is. However, it is also true that many people are not actually taking measures against global warming, and people are turning away from the crisis of global warming.
In the past, the documentary film “ Inconvenient Truth ” has become a hot topic and won the Academy Award, and many times it has been screamed that there is an urgent need to combat global warming. However, Mr. Fohr points out that 'some intentional exclusions' are among the many environmental measures proposed around the world.

The countermeasure against global warming that Mr. Fore claims to be 'intentionally excluded' is to 'significantly reduce the consumption of animal products'. This is an inconvenient scientific fact, not a personal opinion, says Foer, and livestock production in the processing of meat and dairy products emits greenhouse gases that exceed the entire transportation sector, including airplanes, cars and trains. And insist that you should not eat animal-derived food to save the planet.
Livestock is a major source of methane and nitrous oxide, which has a stronger greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide, and Foe noted that it is also a major cause of deforestation. Not talking about reducing meat consumption when discussing global warming countermeasures is like giving advice on regular exercise to patients with lifestyle-related illnesses rather than revising their diet and smoking habits. Fore thinks.
On the other hand, the reason why dietary reform is not taken up as a major topic is that people want to avoid reforming their dietary habits for many years. “It's much easier to slander the fossil fuel industry and its lobbyists than it is to change our own eating habits,” Fore speculates. Unless they are vegan people, they don't want to accept the conclusion of reducing meat consumption, and the vegan people's enthusiasm may leave other people away.

Most people have been fond of eating meat and eggs since childhood, and Mr. Fohr admits that it is difficult to change their diet now. Mr. Fohr, who claims to reduce consumption of animal meat, has few days that he does not want to eat animal meat, but reason understands that meat should not be eaten, but sometimes loses temptation He said he would eat hamburgers.
Changing daily diets compared to drastically changing the world's power grid, passing strong tax authorities and passing carbon tax laws, or adopting international standards for greenhouse gas emissions It seems easy for everyone. But for years, problems such as habits, attachments, and tastes make the simple steps of changing the diet more difficult than ever, Foe says.
However, measures against global warming are 'not something that can be advanced only when a schedule is available or when you are ready', just as a house is burning in a fire. Fore warns that the more you leave it, the more serious it will be, and sometime it will reach a “turning point where you ca n’t save the Earth no matter how much you try.”

The main actions that individuals can take to deal with climate change are: 'Reduce the number of children', 'Live without a car', 'Do not ride an airplane', 'Use a plant-based diet' Fore insists that there are four. Among them, the easiest way for people to participate is to change their eating habits, and it says that it can make a big contribution even at the individual level to reduce the emissions of gases such as methane gas that have a larger greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide .
Some argue that vegetarianism is an elite privilege and difficult for the general public. Certainly, healthy vegetarianism is more expensive than an unhealthy diet, but it is cheaper than eating a healthy diet while eating meat, and if you consider the risks of various diseases and medical costs, the results Healthy vegetarianism is cheaper than unhealthy eating habits. In fact, 4% of Americans with annual income over $ 75,000 (about 8.1 million yen) are vegetarian, whereas 9% of those with annual income under $ 30,000 (about 3.2 million yen) It ’s vegetarian.
For example, saying that many people eat meat only for dinner and not eat meat in the morning or noon, it is effective, says Foor, and the spread of plant-derived artificial meat and the development of agricultural laws are also important. Pointed out. In addition, by appealing the importance of individual global warming countermeasures, it is not necessary to distract from the responsibility of large corporations and governments, and it is necessary to promote national and global level countermeasures at the same time as individual level countermeasures. Said Mr. Fore.

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