Research reaffirms that it is `` a warm bath before going to bed '' that greatly improves the quality of sleep



Studies using meta-analysis have shown that the quality of sleep can be significantly improved if the body is warmed in a warm shower or bath before bedtime.

Before-bedtime passive body heating by warm shower or bath to improve sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis-ScienceDirect

Want better sleep? Try a warm bath or shower 1-2 hours before bedtime, study suggests

American Sleep Medicine Association and one in three Americans is suffering from a sleep disorder announcement not only to, the United States National Security Council, traffic accidents cause drowsiness, such as drowsy driving is about a year 10 Ten thousand cases have occurred, and about 1550 deaths have been reported . Chronic sleep deprivation has been found to cause stroke, heart disease, immune disorders, and other health problems.

`` How to sleep '' advice by the authority of sleep research that asserts that `` it is easy to die early if the sleep time is less than 7 hours ''-GIGAZINE

Shahab Hagayeg et al., A research group studying sleep at the University of Texas, reviewed over 5,000 studies that investigated the relationship between sleep and bathing, Statistical bath timing '.

As a result, it turns out that the quality of sleep is greatly improved even if bathing for 10 minutes in hot water from 40 degrees to slightly below 43 degrees. In addition, we found that if you take a bath within 2 hours of bedtime, you will be able to fall asleep approximately 36%.

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As for why why bathing improves sleep, Mr. Hagayeg said, “Our body temperature is high in the morning and evening, and the temperature falls before sleep at night. If you take a bath, blood circulation will improve, and if blood circulation improves, the temperature will be released from the center of the body to the body surface, resulting in a decrease in body temperature. The body cools down to the proper temperature for going to bed, so the quality of sleep will be better. '

Mr. Hagayeg, who announced the results of his research, is working on the development of a “bed that can be used for warm bathing”.

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