I tried Beard Papa 'Chelsea / Puffy cream' which packed the taste of Chelsea · Butterscuache in cream puff

" Chelsea · Baked Buttercut " of rich and rich taste which boiled down fermented butter slowly "Chelsea · cream puff" which finished in puff cream as it is appears in Beude Papa specialized in cream puffs from 1st March 2019 as a limited quantity I will. In order to ascertain what kind of finish the cream puff which collaborated with the standard "Chelsea · Butterscatch" which is loved for over 40 years, I actually purchased it and tried it.

Shoulam specialty shop celebrating the 20th anniversary Beard Papa Meiji "CHELSEA (Chelsea)" × "Puff cream" collaboration product "Chelsea / Puffy shoulder" released! | Shoop cream specialty store Beard Papa

We arrived at the freshly made studio by Beard Papa.

There was a signboard appealing Chelsea · cream puff at the shop front.

When ordering Chelsea · cream puff immediately, the clerk stuffs the cream in the shoe cloth on the spot.

I bought it and brought it home.

The wrapping paper of Chelsea · cream puff has become a flower pattern and character font tribute packages of Chelsea · Butterscuache.

Chelsea · cream puff (230 yen including tax) looks like this.

Comparing the size with the transportation type IC card with a long side of 8.5 cm, the diameter of the Chelsea / cream puff was almost the same as the long side of the IC card.

Powdered sugar is sprinkled on the surface like snow.

When cutting it, cream that is close to caramel color turns out from inside. Black grains in cream are vanilla beans.

When eating, the outer shoe fabric was crispy in texture, while the inside was cream with sweetness which is moderately sweet, which gives a faint feeling of fermented butter flavor.

Finally when you actually eat Chelsea · Butterscuch, the real feeling has an impact feeling that it is thought "This is the taste of fermented butter!" Compared to eating, the Chelsea cream was more creamy than usual, compared to the original Chelsea Butterscatch, the flavor of fermented butter was modest and it was much easier to eat.

"Chelsea / cream puff" is beard papa nationwide It has been finished as soon as the quantity limit is gone from March 1, 2019.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log