More than 50 polar bears rush and the town panicks, the movie of the shock is released
It was reported that a large amount of polar bears appeared in the archipelago / Novajasemura of the Russian Federation territory in the Arctic Ocean. Residents is followed by a difficult situation to go out for fear of polar bears, Novaya Zemlya is declared the emergency situation has developed in the situation to be.
TASS: Emergencies - Emergency declared in Novaya Zemlya archipelago over polar bear 'invasion'
Polar bears 'invade' town in Russia's Novaya Zemlya archipelago, driven by climate change - The Washington Post
Russian Town Chases Out Rowdy Polar Bear Invaders
Polar bear came out in the town of Nova Yemura from around December 2018, and a lot of polar bears are gathering in the vicinity of Belusa Guba, the central city of Novaya Zemlia. At least 52 polar bears were confirmed in the vicinity of Berja Guba, sometimes they showed aggressive appearance and invaded houses one after another, so Novaya Zemlya declared an emergency on February 9, 2019 did.
Since 6 to 10 headed polar bears are always wandering near the people's place of residence, residents of Novayazemura are constantly in danger of going out with fear of polar bears. In addition, parents are also concerned about having children go to school and kindergartens, and the daily lives of the residents are failing. Measures such as making a fence around the kindergarten as a countermeasure against polar bears and carrying out patrols by soldiers were also done, but polar bears are used to human beings, to seek signals and patrol cars to escape the bear and run away It does not seem to be.
Mr. Zhigansha Musin, chairman of Novaya Zemlia said, "I have lived in Novayazemura since 1983, but this is the first time that so many polar bears appeared." A lot of movies have been posted on the SNS that took pictures of how polar bears that appeared in Nova Yazulja invaded the residence and garbage.
В России ввели режим Ч С из - за нашествия белых медведей
A large group of polar bears ......
I am slowly walking the land where garbage has been abandoned.
It is strange that a strong polar bear with an image on the ice is walking in the immediate vicinity of the garbage which the human has thrown away.
There are polar bears approaching just next to the car, and there is no atmosphere fearing human beings at all.
The flock gradually became disagreeable, and each person started to rub off rubbish.
It seems that you are looking for food by putting your face close to the ground.
A lot of polar bears are climbing a single garbage mountain, as they have found food.
In addition, you can check many movies and photos on the Internet.
View this post on InstagramБелый медведь забежал в один из падиков Новой Земли, Архангельская область, увидел в каких условиях сегодня живут россияне, испугался и убежал ???? ♀️. #Kmv_sunny # белыйМедведь # новаяЗемля # россия
Polar bears entering the building.
After going to the back of the corridor ......
I came back near the entrance again.
I am also showing a swing that seems to be something coloring.
Also, a movie in which a group of polar bears was rubbing rubbish was also posted.
View this post on InstagramВ Архангельской области нашествие белых медведей -. На архипелаге Новая Земля объявлен режим ЧС Мишки заходят в посёлки, забираются в дома - местные закрываются внутри и достают камеры (а вот стрелять в животных запретил Росприроднадзор).
A large amount of polar bear who is rubbing rubbish.
One little polar bear is strangely watching the camera.
A polar bear that has been going south to the village seems to be attractive to human waste that has not been properly processed.
Also, someone who inadvertently photographed the scene where a dog got encountered with a polar bear ... ...
View this post on Instagram? Видели сегодня стаю бродячих собак около дома , и вам это не понравилось Посмотрите, как живут люди в посёлке Белушья Губа среди белых медведей ⠀ Белушья Губа -.. Одно из двух селений на Новой Земле, архипелаге в Северном Ледовитом океане В этой части Архангельской области проживают всего 2500 человек - в основном военные -.. и ещё множество медведей, 52 из которых постоянно кружат вокруг посёлка Иногда они ведут себя очень агрессивно, пытаются напасть на людей и даже забираются в подъезды ⠀ В администрации архипелага рассказывают, что такой н .. аплыв косолапых у них впервые Люди боятся выходить на улицы и водить детей в школу, а медведи при этом совсем перестали реагировать на свето-шумовые сигналы и попытки их отогнать Всё усложняется тем, что белые мишки - животные из Красной книги, поэтому Росприроднадзор запрещает их отстреливать. Жителям Губы остаётся ждать специалистов , которые рассчитывают отогнать зверей без оружия. ⠀ Фоточка из самого посёлка. ⠀ П.С. Это не призыв считать стаи бродячих собак нормой. И даже не сравнение. Просто гляньте, как бывает ещё. ⠀ # typicalkrd # белыймедве дь # заполярье # сурово # стаи # стаясобак # новаяземля # северныйледовитыйокеан # глубинка # русскаяглубинка # медведибелушьягуба
Photographs of those who were unluckily present at the moment the polar bear invaded the building have also been posted.
View this post on Instagram???? ️Белый медведь -!! Хозяин архипелага ???? Может заглянуть и без приглашения)))) # новаяземля # северноесияние # белыймедведь # полярныймедведь # красота # жизньнакрайнемсевере # север # остров # архипелаг #russia #newland #beauty #north # borealis # polarlights # my world
Mr. Musin said that the Russian Federation Natural Resources Supervision Agency is sending a specialized team to calm the polar bear and send it to the traditional habitat. The special team is supposed to move it after sleeping without killing the polar bears.
However, Mikhail Stishov, an expert on the World Nature Conservation Fund (WWF) , an international nature conservation organization, said, "Just moving a polar bear by 20 to 30 km will return to Novayazemura. "It is necessary to carry it for a couple of hours," he said. It is extremely difficult to move all 50 polar bears. But if I could identify the leader of the polar bear group and take it out to a place far from the town, he said that the plan may be successful.
The habitat deteriorates due to rapid global warming, and polar bears can not get enough food and sometimes get hungry. According to the model announced by NASA, the Arctic ice has decreased by 13% in 10 years, and the environment surrounding the polar bear is said to be extremely tough.
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