What is 'cognitive distortion' of successful people who accomplish things?

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" Distortion of cognition " is a thought pattern that is extreme or irrational, and is generally thought of as a bad thing. However, investor Michael Dearing, who established the company " Harrison Metal " investing in start-ups, argues that "There is" cognitive distortion "that successful entrepreneurs have in common" Presentation materials summarized by Mr. Dearing about its contents are released.

The Five Cognitive Distortions of People Who Get Stuff Done
(PDF file) http://quarry.stanford.edu/xapm1111126lse/docs/02_LSE_Cognitive.pdf

Mr. Dearing has contacted more than 4,500 entrepreneurs over 2190 days (about 6 years), and has invested in 62 companies among them. I realized that there are common patterns among entrepreneurs who accomplished many things and gained many benefits. The pattern seems to be rational at first glance but it is a "distortion of cognition" that distorts real things through thinking, but in many cases the actual entrepreneurs who succeed actually have cognitive distortions It seems that there were many.

Mr. Dearing pointed out the following five distortions of cognition.

◆ 1: I think that I am a special thought pattern for successful entrepreneurs who have the belief that "I am a special being different from other people" that I believe is special. Mr. Dearing pointed out that by thinking that you are a higher rank than other people and that you are destined to gain a special experience different from usual, you will get the stamina and charisma you need for your business It is.

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◆ 2: Binomial conscious thinking "A is utterly useless and not worthy, but on the other hand B is the best," having extreme binary confrontational thinking is also a thought common to successful people. Binomial thinking makes it easy to identify people, experiences, and things without leaving any ambiguous part in judgment. Although "B does not have any value because it is useless this way" it is easy to fall into perfectionism thought, but on the other hand it can achieve high goals in business.

◆ 3: Generalize from few samples <br> Successful people are sometimes sometimes leading universal judgment from a small number of samples. Generally it is easy to negatively think that judging things by looking at only a few samples can lead to erroneous results. However, Dearing thinks that successful people are good at guiding nearly correct conclusions intuitively from a few examples, and speedup to judgment will increase the possibility of success.

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◆ 4: I want to start from scratch Some people think that "There is a correct order in life, stepping up with appropriate steps is the correct answer in life" There may be. However, it seems that successful people think that their life is "a canvas with a blank page with no drafts etc.", sometimes this thought brings out a dramatic creativity.

◆ 5: like innovation <br> Joseph Schumpeter , an economist born in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, insisted on the theory that constant innovation by entrepreneurs will drive the economy. Mr. Dearing insists that successful people think that their role is "creative destruction" as well as this Schumpeter's claim, and that they can take bold action without fear of risk.


in Note, Posted by log1h_ik