Camera infiltrates sex doll manufacturing plant in China, and challenge to incorporate AI function is held

The sex toy 'Sex Doll (Love Doll)' in the shape of a life-size woman has been pursued to look realistic. BBC's cameras capture that China's sex doll makers are working on developing sex dolls that have AI features that allow them to change facial expressions and make conversations in addition to appearance.
This company specialises in talking, AI-powered sex dolls-BBC Reel
China's sex doll company's manufacturing plant.

'It's coming,' said Deputy General Manager Jin Chen.

'Our dolls are like humans. They have skeletons, muscles and skin.'

The skeleton consists of more than 160 parts.

'This is the process of meating the skeleton'
Fixing the framework using a drill.

Dolls are carried carefully by two men.

I'm making a gloss with a brush.

The firing body is molded in a mold.

This work requires precision and failure is unacceptable.

A lot of dolls that came out of the mold are hung.

'My family didn't support me at first,' said director Donggyu Yan.

The reason is that Mr. Yang's family thought that 'sex dolls do not sell in China.'

The rich do not need sex dolls, and the poor can not buy sex dolls. As a result, he thought that the sex doll sales business must fail.

'Everyone speaks eloquently about food. You want to share your preferences. But when it comes to sex, it was treated as a' rogue '.

'The attitude towards sex has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. Young people think sex is a beautiful act and fun.'

China's first sex-related shop opened in 1993. China now has more than 200,000 sex shops in China, which is a growing industry. The sex toy market in China is expected to reach 18.9 billion yuan (about 300 billion yen), and by 2020, to reach 59.3 billion yuan (about 9700 billion yen).

Sex doll with brown skin.

According to the taste of the customer, it has been challenged to give the sex doll 'individuality'.

Various facial expressions are developed.

In addition, it is also developing a moving sex doll.

A sex doll that talks by loading an AI function.

In response to the question 'Do you know Trump President?'

Yet, dolls can not express emotions.

Therefore, tests to match the robot's movement to the response in the conversation are being repeated.

Ultimately, the goal is to be able to communicate individually to each user.

Robots need to look as human as possible.

'No matter how smart you can talk, you will never want to talk in an ugly figure.'

'On the contrary, if you look good, you will want to talk a little stupid.'

Mr. Yan, who thinks that sex dolls will replace girlfriends and wives, laughs, 'We are making not only female models but also male models, and someday boyfriends and husbands may be replaced as well.'

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