'IPhone XS / XS Max' proved to greatly improve the LTE communication speed

"IPhone XS" and "iPhone XS Max" which are also released in Japan on September 21, 2018 (Friday) support 4 × 4 MIMO which enables high-speed communication. According to SpeedSmart which tested the communication speed at the terminal before the release, it seems that both models have recorded speeds significantly higher than the conventional speed.
Early tests show major LTE performance improvements with iPhone XS | 9to 5Mac
SpeedSmart measures the communication speed of iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max in the network of three companies, AT & T, T-Mobile and Verizon which are communication carriers in the United States. We publish the following graph comparing numerical values with iPhone X released in 2017. The graph is "iPhone XS / XS Max downlink speed", "same uplink speed", "descending speed of iPhone X" and "same uplink speed" from the top, which is gathered for 3 carriers.
A updated chart showing comparison data. Pic.twitter.com/OHFzgiaiuf
- SpeedSmart (@ SpeedSmart) September 17, 2018
Although details of the test method are not described, AT & T, which recorded the fastest downlink speed in the iPhone XS / XS Max, actually recorded the numerical value of 72.24 Mbps . This is more than twice as fast as iPhone X's 27.67 Mbps. In addition, we found that the speed is also improved with respect to uplink speed compared to iPhone X, and this trend is common to all three carriers.

This result is based on 4 × 4 MIMO that was introduced only to iPhone XS / XS Max. In Android terminal, 4 x 4 MIMO which had already been installed in Samsung Galaxy S9 / S9 + series etc. was already installed in iPhone for the first time, so we decided to support the latest communication standard. In addition, technologies such as QAM, a modulation method that can transmit multiple pieces of information at once, and " LAA ", which uses radio waves in a frequency band that can be used without requiring licenses, are installed in both models.
However, only 4 types of iPhone XS / XS Max that supports 4 × 4 MIMO are supported. As a result, iPhone XR which only supports 2 × 2 MIMO even in the same 2018 model will be slowed down, and iPhone X, etc. of the previous model can not take advantage of this.
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