Dense chocolate & shariari shrimp I tried drinking Famima's 'Rich chocolate fancy thick chocolate frappe (with raspberry sauce)' comfortable

" Rich chocolate frappe with raw chocolate (with raspberry sauce) " appeared nationwide from Sunday, August 19, 2018 (Sun) in "Famima Cafe" Frappe series which offers freshly brewed drink inside the FamilyMart store I will. I drank a cold frappe made of 2 layers of chocolate chip shaved ice and raw chocolate ice cream.

Rich chocolate frappe made raw chocolate (with raspberry sauce) [Release date varies according to region] | Product Information | FamilyMart

Arrived at Family Mart. "Rich chocolate frappe (with raspberry sauce)" with raw chocolate has its release date different according to the region, and it has already been on sale from 12th August, 2018 (Sunday) in the Kansai region.

In the prominent part of the Frappe 's lineup, there was a target frappe.

The cup of Frappe is in a refrigerated case, we will finish the account at the cash register first.

When we finished treasurer at the cashier, the clerk took off the lid.

In the cup, ice cubed with "chocolate chips with shaved ice" and "ice with raw chocolate" is contained in a tubular shape. I will make milk in this cup.

Next, massage the cups and pour the ice before pouring the milk.

Take a cup to the café machine in the shop and place the cup under the "extraction mouth" as shown in the picture.

After setting, push "milk button" once.

Milk is poured into the cup ... ...

Once an appropriate amount of milk is poured into the cup, it stops automatically.

When stirring well to crush the remaining ice, "Rich chocolate frappe with raw chocolate (with raspberry sauce)" (330 yen including tax) is finished.

The height of the cup looks like this when compared with the traffic IC card (long side 85 mm).

Raspberry sauce is included in the cup display, but because it is fruit juice, raspberry juice is not included. The type of food before pouring milk is ice cream "Lactoise". Raw materials include semi-chocolate, cocoa powder, raspberry sauce, cacao mass, cacao paste and so on. The content is 215 ml, and the energy is 306 kcal per one.

When mixed, the chocolate chips contained in the shaved ice came out.

Frappe has a chocolate-colored shaving ice and foamed milk together, and smells like ice cocoa. There is not much presence of raspberry sauce in the fragrance.

After drinking it is a thick, thick and thick chocolate drink. It mixes with fluffy milk, but it has a rich flavor and sweetness of chocolate. I do sweetness of chocolate but almost no bitterness. From a thick straw, chocolate chips and ice grains will be transmitted. Polypoly of chocolate chip, sharp texture of shaved ice is comfortable. However, since you can not judge which moment you put it in your mouth, "It was shaved ice if you thought it was a chocolate chip" "It was a chocolate chip if you thought it was a shaved ice" happened. The fragrance of raspberry sauce has become thin with chocolate, but slightly sweet and sour taste was felt and it favored the rich sweetness of chocolate.

"Rich chocolate flappe (containing raspberry sauce)" with raw chocolate is a limited quantity of goods, in the Kansai / China / Shikoku / Kyushu district it is on sale from August 12, 2018 (Sunday). Okinawa can be purchased from Thursday, August 16, 2018, from the other areas from August 19, 2018 (Sun) in 2018.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log