Google will change gun emoticon from real wind to water gun, the remaining handgun design Facebook and Microsoft will also change

Google will launch the next Android OSAndroid PWe announced to change the design of gun emoji when updating. In the United States where the gun shooting incident continues, major vendors such as Apple · Samsung · Twitter tend to stop using realistic pistol style designs, and misunderstanding between users was sometimes caused by different designs of each company. It is considered that the misunderstanding between platforms will be diminished by Google changing realistic gun design to water gun design.

Google Updates Gun Emoji

Google puts gun emoji back in holster with switch to water pistol | Technology | The Guardian

Google and Facebook adopt water gun emoji, leaving Microsoft holding the pistol - The Verge

The left is the old design of the "gun" emoji used in Android, the right is the new design. It has become an orange water gun.

The transition of Google's "gun" pictogram looks like this. From 2012 to 2017, there was a tendency to use realistic designs.

In the United States where the gun shooting incident continues, there is a tendency that the design of a gun as an emoticon is changed from a real one to a water gunlike one, and the design has already been changed in Apple, Samsung, Twitter. As a result, for example, when an iOS user sent a message with the intention of displaying a water gun, a real gun was displayed on the Android terminal, which could lead to misunderstanding.

The transition of Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, Facebook, Twitter gun pictogram design is like this. Due to Google's design changes, only Microsoft and Facebook are using realistic gun designs. Although Microsoft was designed to appear in SF works until 2015, it has been changed to a real pistol design since 2016.

When Emojipedia contacted Facebook, On April 24, 2018, Facebook announced that it is planning to change the design of the gun. I heard that I also contacted Microsoft at this point, but Microsoft has also revealed that he refused to comment.

However, on April 26, 2018, Microsoft announced on Twitter to change the design of the emoticon with future Windows 10 release. However, since the release date is unpublished and it is not installed in the current Windows 10 Beta version, it is expected that this pictogram will not appear until at least the update of the year 2018.

That is why Facebook is the only one that has not decided the design of a new gun pictogram at the time of article creation.

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log