What is the recitation work done at the cigar factory in Cuba?
In Japan, few people smoke cigars, so little known, but Cuba in socialist country is famous for cigar production. One unusual work at the cigar factory is "to read books for factory workers". Why does work that seems not to be directly related to cigar production exist,Great Big StoryI am publishing movies on YouTube closer to the reason.
The Storytellers Reading to Cuba's Cigar Factory Workers - YouTube
"Cuban cigars" are world famous.
Mr. Rusio Campbus Peña who works at the cigar factory says, "I am not just a reader but a worker to convey culture."
"In the mid-nineteenth century, there was a problem of poor knowledge of workers working in a cigar factory, so at a cigar factory we had to read and listen to the books during work to improve workers' knowledge."
"Since then, all cigar factories in Japan have begun to adopt recitation work to improve workers' knowledge."
It seems that workers are concentrating on the creation of cigars, but he seems to listen closely to readings.
Mr. Peña gets up early in the morning early and goes to the cigar factory ......
Prepare books to read and news topics that are directly related to workers.
"I am usually telling topics related to their lives, and if it is an anniversary or an important day in history, in order to broaden their findings, I would like to talk about the date and the content related to the person I am doing it. "
"Afterwards, I read books, but this book was chosen by the workers' vote. In the last vote, an adventure novel was chosen."
"I am reading now"The last of the Mohikan"It was chosen by the workers."
"This job is aimed at supplementing the cultural knowledge of the workers and telling what is closely related to everyday life, and tips for them to solve problems of everyday life from readings I believe it will find out. "
"I am very rewarding for this work, not only to expand their cultural knowledge but also to help my daily life."
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