The motto of Facebook's Zuckerburg CEO confessed that the company was "over the country" and the former speech writer

byJD Lasica

Data analyst firm Cambridge Analytika has collected 50 million Facebook users' personal informationHad been acquiredAbout the problem, Facebook's Mark Zuckerburg CEO is being challenged by the problem. In the meantime, he worked for Facebook once and served as a speech writer for CEO ZuckerbergCatherine Rosset"The initial motto of Zuckerberg's CEO was" The company was over the country "VoxPosted on.

Mark Zuckerberg's early motto was "companies over countries" - Vox

As of 2005 when Mr. Rosse, a graduate student, joined Facebook, Facebook was still small and the service was not open to the public either. Originally Rosse was involved in problem solving for users, but in 2009 when Facebook became the world's largest SNS service, Mr. Rosse became a writer responsible for writing writings by Zuckerberg's blog and speech It was.

Initially, when Rosse joined, a meeting was held on Facebook every Friday, with all employees participating. Zuckerburg CEO told the conclusion that it was decided to proclaim the word "Domination!" While pushing up the fist. Zuckerberg, then CEO of the time, wears a shirt written "sloppily" with sarcasm, and the idea that "Facebook dominates the world" seems to have seriously been a joke. Mr. Rosse then later wondered "CEO Zuckerberg seriously aims to" control "the world," but strongly believed that "making Facebook a top priority" then He said that he had postponed the question once. It seems that the entire company is full of passion "to expand Facebook" at this time.

bybyung chul kim

As Facebook grows at a rate that is "too good", Zuckerberg cites "United States" when talking about Facebook and "Companies are over the countryThere seems to have been a word that says that. Meanwhile, Mr. Rossse felt that it would be a long-term threat to Facebook itself, "to expand at an unspoilt speed and become a dominant presence."

Rosse says that a series of riots on user information management this time triggered the question of Facebook and Zuckerburg's responsibility. It seems that it was not about Facebook's own power and responsibility, but about only growth and technical problems that I talked about in Facebook's in-house forums and colleagues' conversation while I was in office. However, criticizing Facebook as "a group lacking sense of ethics that is only of concern for their own growth only" is a one-sided view, "For Facebook it is an ethical goal itself to be an ethical goal, Since it is "good" to connect, it was "justice" to strive for growth. "

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According to the rumor that arrives to Mr. Rosse, there is a climate that does not accept the skeptical opinion about growth although the internal self-critical tendency is intensifying compared to before. Although Facebook has begun to take measures to prevent user data from being used by third party companies, the dominance system of the SNS market has not changed, "he says," Is not it necessary to stop the power of Facebook? "Rosse Says.

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