Movie "Time" going back from history to the birth of the universe all the time

There are many people who have heard the explanation "History has made a dramatic progress in mankind" in history lessons, news, TV programs, etc. What is wonderful if you get accustomed to life in modern times I do not know what it is. I upload a lot of movies that scientifically and logically describe daily questions on YouTubeKurzgesagtHowever, I am reviewing the history from the present to the birth of life and the birth of the universe, and the history of the dramatic evolution of mankind, etc. are explained in an easy-to-understand manner.

Time: The History & Future of Everything - Remastered - YouTube

When thinking about "time", it makes it easy to understand from a short time. First of all, I regard current one second as this length.

One second is 1/60 minutes if you think in the most recent one minute.

If you watch this one minute on an hour scale, it will be 1/60 hour.

If you wish to see an additional hour on the scale of 1 day, it is 1 / 24th.

During the past day, your sleeping hours, working hours, coffee break time etc are included.

Thinking that day in a week it will be 1/7 week.

Looking at a week for a period of one month, it is around 1 / 4.5 months.

If it is 1 year scale, it will be 1/12 years.

I will look back over 2017, one year ago at the time of writing the article. In 2017, falcons were introduced in France against terrorist drone use, and in the Czech RepublicIntroduced swimsuit examination for employment of women in nuclear power plantsAnd in the United StatesEat detergentA joke became popular and became a problem.

Its 2017 is "1/17 in the 21st century" in 2000The SimsAfter Wikipedia, YouTube, iPhone and others came out,Open car aims for Mars driving the universeIt is in the era.

Looking back at the world situation, it happened on 11th September 2001America simultaneous terrorist attacksAs a result,Afghanistan conflictWhenIraq WarIt began. Iraq war was declared a closing in 2011, but it began in that yearSyrian civil warIt continues as of 2018 as well.

For the past 18 years and the shallow 21st century, the 20th century has already over 100 years history. Meanwhile, two world wars and after the great warCold Warhad.

During the Cold War, nuclear warfare using nuclear weapons can occur ... ...

Also, humanity has reached the moon.

The Internet appeared in the 20 th century. Facebook and Twitter appeared in the 21st century, and what influences on history "how many people are connected on the net?"

The average life expectancy as of 2018 is 79 years. By the way, those who are 79 years old in 2018,Second World WarI was born before.

Serino Vignanueba Haramiyo who lives in Chile at the time of article creation, who has not received Guinness certification but is considered to be the world's oldest age. I was 121 years old, born on July 25, 1896.

Mr. Haramiyo has witnessed history over the 3rd century, butNapoleon BonaparteIt was in 1804 that throne to the French emperor, "From Harasamiya's birth to more than the present, it is closer to going back to Napoleon ceremony from the birth of Haramiyo."

Next I will go back to the period of 500 years ago.Industrial RevolutionIt occurred about 250 years ago. As industrialization advanced, people who were farmers became workers and acquire knowledge until then.

And the air pollution which started from this time has influenced the current climate change.

Newton in 1665GravitationDiscovered. It began to appear since the Industrial RevolutionTheory of evolutionHas had a great influence to change the view of humanity.

Also, astronomy has greatly developed due to the birth of a telescope. Bacterial discovery is also around this time.

I will extend the period to 1500 years ago. In the 15th centuryConstantinopleIn the fall of the Middle Ages ended, in 1492ColumbusHas "discovered" America.

Although the war lasted long in the Middle Ages, illness was a more serious problem. In the 14th centuryBlack death disease (plague)In the pandemic, it is reported that the population of 1/3 of Europe died of black death in only 6 years.

About two thousand years ago is one year AD. It is based on the birth of Jesus Christ, but based on the description of the New Testament it seems that the birth year of Christ is about 4 BC.

The pyramid was made about 4500 years ago. Tukidides wrote about the Peloponnesos war that occurred in the 'War History' in the 400's BC. It was 27 years BC that Roman empire moved to Imperial Government and the first Emperor Augustus reigned.

The pyramid around the time the Roman Empire was formed was "Buildings about 2,500 years ago." Since the completion of the Colosseum was in the 80th century AD, the pyramid of that time had history more than the Colosseum we see today.

It was about 7000 years ago that human beings started writing things.

About 12,000 years ago, a temple was built and the cultivation of figs started by mankind, the history of farming will start. In other words, the ruling of the earth by mankind began from here.

Present-day human beingsThe beginning of 200,000 years ago. And about 70 thousand years ago a cognitive revolution happens, the human heart becomes complicated.

When a common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees was born 6 million years ago, about 2 million years ago, human beings' ancestors began to deal with fire and began to make tools with trees and stones. In other words, human history started about 6 million years ago.

By the way, it is closely related to humansHomo · electusEra has begun from about 180 million years ago, we found that had existed over a period of about 9 times longer period of modern humans.

In this way, you can see that the history of mankind is a really short period.

In order to confirm my lifetime from the history of human beings, I can not see it unless I enlarge the history extremely, but in reality the big history of "human" is not so long.

Dinosaurs dominated the Earth for about 165 million years until it dies out from about 230 million years ago to about 65 million years ago. This period is about 27 times the human era.

About 65 million years agoTyrannosaurusFrom the point of view,StegosaurusRather than counting the period until the era, it is faster to count the period up to the present day, you will see that the age of dinosaurs was quite long. Also, the descendants of dinosaurs are still continuing in the form of "birds".

The history of animals is even older and dates back to about 600 million years ago. Initially it starts with fish and small sea creatures, and it appears on Earth in the order of insects, reptiles. And mammals appeared for about 200 million years or more.

The beginning of life is about 4.1 billion years ago. And for as long as 3.5 billion years, only single-celled organisms existed.

About 4.5 billion years ago,Gas cloudThe sun was formed from, and the earth was born after 60 million years. At the beginning of the earth's birth, collision with comet and asteroid continues, the ocean is born.

However, as seen from the entire universe, the solar system is new, and the universe was born about 13.75 billion years ago. And after 500 million years the galaxy was formed.

So before the Big Bang that triggered the birth of the universe, it is not known even in 2018 and may not be understood forever.

This is the past in the scope that is clarified at the time of article creation.

Next, I will look at the future as a bonus. After one billion years the sun will be too hot, no one can live on the earth.

And the sun will be after 4 billion yearsWhite dwarfAnd it will end.

In the next 100 billion years big stars will disappear and the universe will become darker. After that, the shining starRed dwarfAnd white dwarfs only.

All the stars that eventually existed in the universe will disappear and the universe will become dark. And even black holes can not exist ... ...

The universeThermal deathChange to the state of. When it reaches this state, it seems that there will not be any change after that.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log