What are the elements of 13 making Wes Anderson director's works attractive?

A stop motion animation movie set in Japan that will be released nationwide from Friday, May 25, 2018 "Inogashima"ofWes AndersonA movie that summarizes thirteen elements common to director's work, a channel to explain movies and television programsScreenPrismIt is open to the public.

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1. A unique and expressive art production
Wes Anderson works are overwhelmingly precise from props to sets, the amount of information in the scene is quite large, and we are asleep as something exciting even in parts not reflected on the camera I will be noticed.

According to critic Matt Zoler · Says, coach Wes Anderson is due to small items, places, clothes etc.A parableHe frequently uses his props and locations to describe the human nature, relationships and conflicts of characters. For example, "Grand Budapest hotel"Le Parança's perfume will appear in key points as items that symbolize a fashionable Gustav.

Also,"The Royal Tenenbaums"The Chad family had a red jersey impressive.

2. Child acting like an adult and adult acting like a child
For Wes Anderson's movies, children often talking about their appearance appear frequently, but they are the authors of the manga "Peanuts"Charles M. SchulzIt is said that there is an influence of.

"Moonrise KingdomSam and Susie are just 12 years old,Jean - Luc · Godardof"Crazy clownThere is also a scene which was strongly influenced by "There is a moment to show a figure that can not be thought of as a couple of children.

On the other hand, adults appearing in Wess and Anderson's works behave like children. The figure that Margo and Ritchie at "The Royal Tenenbaums" talks in the tent feels like a couple who made a first love.

"Genius Max's world"A scene where Harman who fights fighting with 15-year-old Max over a woman dies a Max's bicycle by car is a symbolic feeling of middle-aged men's unemployment.

However, even an adult acting like a child is never drawn as a bad thing. Adults of Wes Anderson work tell the audience that adults can relax and enjoy like children.

3. Characters that suddenly lose calm
From "Grand Budapest hotel", Gustave who noticed that the police came to arrest himself, stopped talking and suddenly escaped.

In "Darjeeling express" there was a scene in which a broken brother started big fight abruptly because of a little thing.

According to Mr. Saito, a method of expressing emotions by grasping the face of a character with a cameraOrson WellsThe influence from the work of the thing is said to be.

Four. Dysfunctioned family relationship
"The Royal · Tenenbaumuzu" was a family-themed work, but the leading Tenenbaum family had a fairly complicated circumstance.

Max of "Genius Max's world" is ashamed of his father's running a barber's shop, and also has a scene to lie that "his father is a surgeon." However Max will grow afterwards and will become proud of the barber's father.

"Darjeeling express" was a story that the bad 3 brothers go to see the missing mother. Complex family environments not only create conflicts and conflicts within works, but also lead to resolution of problems and mediation.

Five. escape
Scenes that escape from something are often drawn in Wes Anderson's work. For example, in "Moonrise Kingdom", Sam and Suzie try to elope.

At "Grand Budapest Hotel", Gustav and Zero caught a train and there was a scene crossing the border which was strictly guarded for war.

6. Individual and easy-to-understand speech turning
Many of the characters in the characters are symbolic ones based on unique rhythm and sense, and express the personality and emotions of characters by way of speaking.

Not only the contents to talk but also the unique humor of a work is born by the intervals and the tempo.

7. A classic cast such as Bill Murray
There are many actors who frequently appeared in Wes Anderson's work and can also be called regulars. Speaking of casts, especially symbolizing his work,Ghost BustersAlso known as a comedy actorBill · Murrayso,"Life · Aquatic"I also serve as a starring.

Owen Wilson who also participates in the script is also one of the regular casts.

Other familiar casts include Willem Defoe and ...

Jeff · Gold Bram and others are cited.

8.Earl NouveauTone color sensation
"Grand Budapest hotel" where madam's costumes and elevator walls are unified with vivid red in the eyes

Interior decoration of "Darjeeling express" and uniform of crew member

Not only costumes and props, but also a set of colors are pursued including a set, and even the screen is filtered.

9. Unique camera work
It is pointed out in the movie that unique and unique camera work is influenced by Orson Wells.

In "Inogashima", a camera is next to the Afro hair woman illuminating the flashlightBreadThen, the flashlight will move smoothly to the scene that illuminates one picture.

Also, shots like wide-angle shooting ......

A shot of a composition that places people in the center and is symmetrical is also characteristic of Wes Anderson's work.

When the character starts moving to move somewhere, camera work that shoots as if to chase it from behind is also seen often.

Ten. How to use slow motion
Alongside the camera work, it is the slow motion production that is often seen. Especially at the beginning of "Darjeeling Express", the scene of an old gentleman who misses Peter who is about to miss the train and can not catch up after all is impressive.

The scene where the three brothers are going to ride the Darjeeling express in the last is contrasted with the beginning, and the slow motion production is also used here.

Music from the 1960s to the 1970s
A song playing in a symbolic scene in the play is a slightly minor number in the 60s and 70s, and a directive is taken to superimpose the contents of the lyrics on the feelings of the characters.

The newest work "Inugashima" also seems to have adopted the production using old music.

12. Theater theater
A scene in which another drama develops in the play is also common in Wes Anderson's work. The main character of "Life Aquatic" is a marine adventurer and cinema director, and filming of documentary movies is performed in the movie.

In the "world of genius Max", which is said to have modeled on his own high school days, there was a scene where Max played and drama theater and the play which was the subject of the Vietnam War got a high reputation.

Even "Moonrise Kingdom", Susie was depicting the play playing the leading role firmly.

13. Most of the scripts are written jointly with someone
Wes Anderson is collaborating with others to produce many of the scripts of the work. "The World of Genius Max" "The Royal Tenenbaums" is co-authored with Owen Wilson.

Screenplay of "Life Aquatic" "Fantastic Mr. FOX" is collaborating with Noah Barmback.

Roman Coppola is also participating in writing script for "Darjeeling Express" "Moonrise Kingdom".

In addition to "binoculars" "FuturaMany features exist in Wess & Anderson's work, such as "heavy use of typeface", "sudden violence", "directing between curtains using three-dimensional objects". When you watch movie directed by Wes Anderson, pay attention to the production, you should be able to see a different perspective.

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