A tool "Bind" that anyone can make a nightmare movie is released

Google's Artificial Intelligence (AI) "DeepDreamSpeaking of "far exceeding human imaginationNightmare-like pictureIt became a big topic by creating. A tool that everyone can experience creepy animation generation by such AI "Bind"Is published on GitHub.

GitHub - dreamlyteam / bind: Art tool for making deep dream videos

What kind of movie can be generated using Bind is as follows.

It is a work that the head gets confused when looking forever.

President Cards like a nightmare

Cute women's professional wrestler also this street.

Other samples can be seen from the following.

deep dream video

Since Bind is released on GitHub, it can be downloaded from the following. Bind is still in the early stages of development and there are still many bugs. To actually use BindTensorFlow·FFmpeg·ffprobe·GNU Wget· Python 3 ·GoIs required.

GitHub - dreamlyteam / bind: Art tool for making deep dream videos

in Software,   Video, Posted by logu_ii