The world's first e-sports race competition for women players will be held


Perform game productionSimBin StudioElegant sports race held by women only "Women and Wheels"We announced to hold.

First women-only esports car racing competition announced •

Women and Wheels is a time restricted online e sports race where only women can participate. It will start in the fall of 2017 and will be delivered in streaming format. For the winners there are 3000 Euro (about 390,000 yen) racing simulator / chair,FanatecTwo racing and wheels, pedal set, media consultantEpiphany JunkieCoaching program and so on are given.

SimBin - We are racing

While e sports is a place where women can fight equally as men, women account for only 5% of e sports players. So, Women and Wheels says, "Attention to the role of women who tended to hide in automobile and race history for a while, created a cooperative environment for women, so that women play more e sports "It is said that a part of the proceeds will be donated to charity for women.

Allan Speed, SimBin Studio representative, said, "Women and Wheels is aimed at promoting women's participation in e-sports with women's skills in a cooperative environment," said Women and Wheels The final goal is to participate equally and compete. "7% of the participants in our race are incredibly incredibly big, but we still want to see women enjoying more of the e-sports overall and the virtual track's thrill I think, "Speed ​​said.

On the other hand,Women in GamesMarie-Claire Isaaman of Mr. Marie-Claire Isaaman said, "In women's limited teams and leagues in e-sports, the fact that we need competition is in itself a disgraceful thing, but as this field matures and harassing womenMisogeneyIt will be wonderful to encourage women's participation in such a way to accumulate community, technology and confidence until gender balance is gone, "he said.

In addition, in Women and Wheelsfrom hereYou can sign up.

in Ride,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log