How often is the medical code actually showing the situation such as "being killed by killer whale" at pinpoint?

ByBong Grit

It is used for medical record management and insurance claim managementInternational disease classification(ICD) classifies and codes numerous diseases and health problems. There are also general symptoms such as tuberculosis and gastric ulcers in the cord, but there are things too pinpointing, such as "killed by killer whales" and "burned on fire by water skiing". How often these irregular codes are actually used? That is, doctor search serviceAminoWas investigated by.

Struck by what? Bizarre diagnoses in medical coding

There are some crazy medical codes out there-here are the weirdest on record | Ars Technica

Some of the ICD - 10 codes that show about 76,000 diseases and injuries states are "abnormal personal appearance (R 46.1)", "action due to bee poison, intentional self - injury, sequelae (T 63 .442 S) "and" Pedestrian foot injury (V00.01 XD) "due to continuous collision with roller skating" also exists, so the artist created a unique picture book called "ICD - 10 Codes" by artists It is. What kind of ICD code are there? That means,Searchable from here.

ICD-10 Codes | Books | Humor | ICD-10 Illustrated - ICD-10 Illustrated: Books, Posters & PowerPoint Presentations

The content of the picture book can be checked from the following movie.

Flipping through Struck by Orca: ICD-10 Illustrated - YouTube

According to Amino's survey, the number of times the ICD code of "killer whale hit (W 56/02 XA)" was used during the past year is zero. On the other hand, there were reports of 200 cases of "attacked by chickens (W61.32)" and 1,700 cases of "attacked by cattle (W 55.22)".

Also, while there is a relatively easy-to-understand situation of being caught by horses and pigs, there are also 16,600 reports that are somewhat unclear, such as "accidentally banned by others (W50.3XXA)" I will.

During 2016, 25,500 people experienced "colliding with furniture (W 22.03)", 1720 people collided (W 22.01 XA) on the wall experienced. This area seems to be caused by using a smartphone or tablet while walking.

There is also a "contact" series on the ICD - 10, with 8900 cases of "contact with tools on the workbench (W 27.0)", "Nail gunJust imagine such as 2,200 contacts (W29.4), 'contact the running lawn mower (W28)' with 3400, 'swords and dagger contact (W26.1)' 600 A number of painful accidents have been reported in a considerable number.

Amino says that there is a possibility that a mistake in the code may be included in the report of the case, but please pay attention when approaching a chicken or fighting with a sword.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log